The LSB 3.1 + Update 1 Specification

This is the approved final version of the LSB 3.1 specification plus Update 1. The tables below present two popular formats, you may also go to the page with all formats.

The Core module specification is the document submitted for publication by ISO/IEC as IS 23360. Release notes outlining changes from the previous release of the Core module can be found at

The Graphics module, which was a separate module document for 3.0, is incorporated as one of the modules in the new Desktop module set.

LSB 3.1 Core was released October 27, 2005; LSB 3.1 C++ and Desktop were released April 24, 2006.

An errata document was released March 19, 2007. These specifications are LSB 3.1 with the errata applied.

Note: if you are planning to certify conformance to LSB 3.1, please begin by reading the applicable Product Standard.
Document Set Functional Area Architecture
Generic IA32 IA64 PPC32 PPC64 S390 S390X AMD64
LSB LSB Core htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf
LSB C++ htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf
LSB Desktop htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf
Optional LSB Qt4 htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf htm | pdf