

getsockopt -- get socket options


#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>

int getsockopt(int socket, int level, int option_name, void * restrict option_value, socklen_t * restrict option_len);


The getsockopt() function shall behave as specified in POSIX 1003.1-2001 (ISO/IEC 9945-2003), with the following extensions.

IP Protocol Level Options

If the level parameter is IPPROTO_IP, the following values shall be supported for option_name (see RFC 791:Internet Protocol for further details):


Get the Internet Protocol options sent with every packet from this socket. The option_value shall point to a memory buffer in which the options shall be placed; on entry option_len shall point to an integer value indicating the maximum size of the memory buffer, in bytes. On successful return, the value referenced by option_len shall be updated to the size of data copied to the buffer. For IPv4, the maximum length of options is 40 bytes.


Get the current unicast Internet Protocol Time To Live value used when sending packets with this socket. The option_value shall point to a buffer large enough to hold the time to live value (at least 1 byte), and option_len shall point to an integer value holding the maximum size of that buffer. On successful return, the value referenced by option_len shall be updated to contain the number of bytes copied into the buffer, which shall be no larger than the initial value, and option_value shall point to an integer containing the time to live value.


Get the Internet Protocol type of service indicator used when sending packets with this socket. The option_value shall point to a buffer large enough to hold the type of service indicator (at least 1 byte), and option_len shall point to an integer value holding the maximum size of that buffer. On successful return, the value referenced by option_len shall be updated to contain the number of bytes copied into the buffer, which shall be no larger than the initial value, and option_value shall point to an integer containing the time to live value.