

cat -- concatenate and print files


cat is as specified in the Single UNIX Specification but with differences as listed below.

LSB Deprecated Differences

The behaviors specified in this section are expected to disappear from a future version of the LSB; applications should only use the non-LSB-deprecated behaviors.

-A, --show-all

is equivalent to -vET.

-b, --number-nonblank

numbers nonblank output lines.


is equivalent to -vE.

-E, --show-ends

displays $ at end of each line.

-n, --number

numbers all output lines.

-s, --squeeze-blank

displays never more than one single blank line.


is equivalent to -vT.

-T, --showtabs

displays TAB characters as ^I.


has unspecified behavior.

-v, --show-nonprinting

uses ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB.


outputs version information and exits.