8.4. Interfaces for libncurses

Table 8-3 defines the library name and shared object name for the libncurses library

Table 8-3. libncurses Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

X/Open Curses

8.4.1. Curses Interfaces for Curses

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Curses specified in Table 8-4, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 8-4. libncurses - Curses Function Interfaces

addch [1]has_ic [1]mvwaddchnstr [1]scr_init [1]vwscanw [1]
addchnstr [1]has_il [1]mvwaddchstr [1]scr_restore [1]waddch [1]
addchstr [1]hline [1]mvwaddnstr [1]scr_set [1]waddchnstr [1]
addnstr [1]idcok [1]mvwaddstr [1]scrl [1]waddchstr [1]
addstr [1]idlok [1]mvwchgat [1]scroll [1]waddnstr [1]
attr_get [1]immedok [1]mvwdelch [1]scrollok [1]waddstr [1]
attr_off [1]inch [1]mvwgetch [1]set_curterm [1]wattr_get [1]
attr_on [1]inchnstr [1]mvwgetnstr [1]set_term [1]wattr_off [1]
attr_set [1]inchstr [1]mvwgetstr [1]setscrreg [1]wattr_on [1]
attroff [1]init_color [1]mvwhline [1]setupterm [1]wattr_set [1]
attron [1]init_pair [1]mvwin [1]slk_attr_set [1]wattroff [1]
attrset [1]initscr [1]mvwinch [1]slk_attroff [1]wattron [1]
baudrate [1]innstr [1]mvwinchnstr [1]slk_attron [1]wattrset [1]
beep [1]insch [1]mvwinchstr [1]slk_attrset [1]wbkgd [1]
bkgd [1]insdelln [1]mvwinnstr [1]slk_clear [1]wbkgdset [1]
bkgdset [1]insertln [1]mvwinsch [1]slk_color [1]wborder [1]
border [1]insnstr [1]mvwinsnstr [1]slk_init [1]wchgat [1]
box [1]insstr [1]mvwinsstr [1]slk_label [1]wclear [1]
can_change_color [1]instr [1]mvwinstr [1]slk_noutrefresh [1]wclrtobot [1]
cbreak [1]intrflush [1]mvwprintw [1]slk_refresh [1]wclrtoeol [1]
chgat [1]is_linetouched [1]mvwscanw [1]slk_restore [1]wcolor_set [1]
clear [1]is_wintouched [1]mvwvline [1]slk_set [1]wcursyncup [1]
clearok [1]isendwin [1]napms [1]slk_touch [1]wdelch [1]
clrtobot [1]keyname [1]newpad [1]standend [1]wdeleteln [1]
clrtoeol [1]keypad [1]newterm [1]standout [1]wechochar [1]
color_content [1]killchar [1]newwin [1]start_color [1]werase [1]
color_set [1]leaveok [1]nl [1]subpad [1]wgetch [1]
copywin [1]longname [1]nocbreak [1]subwin [1]wgetnstr [1]
curs_set [1]meta [1]nodelay [1]syncok [1]wgetstr [1]
def_prog_mode [1]move [1]noecho [1]termattrs [1]whline [1]
def_shell_mode [1]mvaddch [1]nonl [1]termname [1]winch [1]
del_curterm [1]mvaddchnstr [1]noqiflush [1]tgetent [1]winchnstr [1]
delay_output [1]mvaddchstr [1]noraw [1]tgetflag [1]winchstr [1]
delch [1]mvaddnstr [1]notimeout [1]tgetnum [1]winnstr [1]
deleteln [1]mvaddstr [1]overlay [1]tgetstr [1]winsch [1]
delscreen [1]mvchgat [1]overwrite [1]tgoto [1]winsdelln [1]
delwin [1]mvcur [1]pair_content [1]tigetflag [1]winsertln [1]
derwin [1]mvdelch [1]pechochar [1]tigetnum [1]winsnstr [1]
doupdate [1]mvderwin [1]pnoutrefresh [1]tigetstr [1]winsstr [1]
dupwin [1]mvgetch [1]prefresh [1]timeout [1]winstr [1]
echo [1]mvgetnstr [1]printw [1]touchline [1]wmove [1]
echochar [1]mvgetstr [1]putp [1]touchwin [1]wnoutrefresh [1]
endwin [1]mvhline [1]putwin [1]tparm [1]wprintw [1]
erase [1]mvinch [1]qiflush [1]tputs [1]wredrawln [1]
erasechar [1]mvinchnstr [1]raw [1]typeahead [1]wrefresh [1]
filter [1]mvinchstr [1]redrawwin [1]unctrl [1]wscanw [1]
flash [1]mvinnstr [1]refresh [1]ungetch [1]wscrl [1]
flushinp [1]mvinsch [1]reset_prog_mode [1]untouchwin [1]wsetscrreg [1]
getbkgd [1]mvinsnstr [1]reset_shell_mode [1]use_env [1]wstandend [1]
getch [1]mvinsstr [1]resetty [1]vidattr [1]wstandout [1]
getnstr [1]mvinstr [1]restartterm [1]vidputs [1]wsyncdown [1]
getstr [1]mvprintw [1]ripoffline [1]vline [1]wsyncup [1]
getwin [1]mvscanw [1]savetty [1]vw_printw [1]wtimeout [1]
halfdelay [1]mvvline [1]scanw [1]vw_scanw [1]wtouchln [1]
has_colors [1]mvwaddch [1]scr_dump [1]vwprintw [1]wvline [1]

Referenced Specification(s)

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for Curses specified in Table 8-5, with the full functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 8-5. libncurses - Curses Data Interfaces

COLORS [1]COLS [1]acs_map [1]curscr [1] 
COLOR_PAIRS [1]LINES [1]cur_term [1]stdscr [1] 

Referenced Specification(s)