

lsbinstall -- installation tool for various types of data


/usr/lib/lsb/lsbinstall [OPTION...]


The lsbinstall command may be used to install certain types of files into system specific locations. This command may be used during a package post installation script to add package specific data to system wide repositories. A user may need appropriate privilege to invoke lsbinstall.


-f, --font

install a font file into the systemwide font repository. There shall be one operand, that names a font file.

-i, --init

install an init script into the system specific location. There shall be one operand, that names an init script file.

-p, --profile

install a profile script into the system specific location. There shall be one operand, that names a profile shell script. The behavior is unspecified if this name does not have the suffix .sh.

-s, --service

ensure a service name and number pair is know to the system service database. There must be at least two operands. The first operand shall have the format %d/%s with the port number and protocol values (e.g. 22/tcp), and the second operand shall be the name of the service. Any subsequent operands provide aliases for this service.

-I, --inet

add an entry to the systems inet super daemon configuration. There shall be one operand, that names a file with the following format:

service <service_name>
	<attribute> <assign-op> <value ...>
Add a list here of supported attributes. Explain that assign-opt must be at least =, but others may be supported.

-c, --crontab

Install a crontab into the system specific location. There shall be one operand, that names a crontab file. See Cron Jobs.

-m, --menu

install a desktop menu entry into the system menu database. There shall be one operand, that names a menu file.

-l, --ldconfig

Register a directory that contains shared libraries with the system. There shall be one operand, that names a directory.


add something here!