13.2. Data Definitions for libXft

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libXft. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content. Where an interface is defined as requiring a particular system header file all of the data definitions for that system header file presented here shall be in effect.

This section gives data definitions to promote binary application portability, not to repeat source interface definitions available elsewhere. System providers and application developers should use this ABI to supplement - not to replace - source interface definition specifications.

This specification uses the ISO C (1999) C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.

13.2.1. X11/Xft/Xft.h

#define _XFT_H_
#define XFT_VERSION	 \
	((XFT_MAJOR * 10000) + (XFT_MINOR * 100) + (XFT_REVISION))
#define XFT_CORE	"core"
#define XFT_MAX_GLYPH_MEMORY	"maxglyphmemory"
#define XFT_MAX_UNREF_FONTS	"maxunreffonts"
#define XFT_RENDER	"render"
#define XFT_XLFD	"xlfd"
#define XFT_MINOR	1
#define XFT_MAJOR	2
#define XFT_NMISSING	256
#define XFT_REVISION	8
#define XftVersion	XFT_VERSION

typedef struct _XftDraw XftDraw;
typedef struct _XftColor {
    unsigned long int pixel;
    XRenderColor color;
} XftColor;
typedef struct _XftFont {
    int ascent;
    int descent;
    int height;
    int max_advance_width;
    FcCharSet *charset;
    FcPattern **pattern;
} XftFont;
typedef struct _XftGlyphSpec {
    FT_UInt glyph;
    short x;
    short y;
} XftGlyphSpec;
typedef struct _XftCharSpec {
    FcChar32 ucs4;
    short x;
    short y;
} XftCharSpec;
typedef struct _XftFtFile XftFtFile;
typedef struct _XftFontInfo XftFontInfo;
typedef struct _XftCharFontSpec {
    XftFont *font;
    FcChar32 ucs4;
    short x;
    short y;
} XftCharFontSpec;
typedef struct _XftGlyphFontSpec {
    XftFont *font;
    FT_UInt glyph;
    short x;
    short y;
} XftGlyphFontSpec;
extern void XftTextRender32BE(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern int XftInit(const char *);
extern void XftTextRender16BE(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern void XftDrawCharSpec(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *,
			    const XftCharSpec *, int);
extern void XftTextExtentsUtf16(Display *, XftFont *, const FcChar8 *,
				FcEndian, int, XGlyphInfo *);
extern void XftGlyphSpecRender(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			       int, int, const XftGlyphSpec *, int);
extern FT_Face XftLockFace(XftFont *);
extern void XftFontInfoDestroy(Display *, XftFontInfo *);
extern void XftTextExtents8(Display *, XftFont *, const FcChar8 *, int,
			    XGlyphInfo *);
extern void XftDrawSetSubwindowMode(XftDraw *, int);
extern int XftColorAllocValue(Display *, Visual *, Colormap,
			      const XRenderColor *, XftColor *);
extern XftFont *XftFontCopy(Display *, XftFont *);
extern void XftDrawCharFontSpec(XftDraw *, const XftColor *,
				const XftCharFontSpec *, int);
extern void XftGlyphExtents(Display *, XftFont *, const FT_UInt *, int,
			    XGlyphInfo *);
extern Picture XftDrawSrcPicture(XftDraw *, const XftColor *);
extern void XftTextRender16(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			    int, int, int, int, const FcChar16 *, int);
extern void XftTextRender32LE(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern FcBool XftCharExists(Display *, XftFont *, FcChar32);
extern void XftFontClose(Display *, XftFont *);
extern void XftDrawGlyphs(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int, int,
			  const FT_UInt *, int);
extern void XftDrawString8(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int,
			   int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern FcPattern *XftXlfdParse(const char *, FcBool, FcBool);
extern void XftTextRender16LE(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern int XftColorAllocName(Display *, const Visual *, Colormap,
			     const char *, XftColor *);
extern XftFont *XftFontOpen(Display *, int, ...);
extern void XftFontUnloadGlyphs(Display *, XftFont *, const FT_UInt *,
extern XftDraw *XftDrawCreateBitmap(Display *, Pixmap);
extern XftDraw *XftDrawCreateAlpha(Display *, Pixmap, int);
extern Colormap XftDrawColormap(XftDraw *);
extern void XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(XftDraw *, const XftColor *,
				 const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
extern void XftDrawGlyphSpec(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *,
			     const XftGlyphSpec *, int);
extern void XftTextRenderUtf16(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			       int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *,
			       FcEndian, int);
extern int XftDrawSetClipRectangles(XftDraw *, int, int,
				    const XRectangle *, int);
extern void XftDrawDestroy(XftDraw *);
extern int XftDefaultHasRender(Display *);
extern XftFontInfo *XftFontInfoCreate(Display *, const FcPattern *);
extern void XftCharFontSpecRender(Display *, int, Picture, Picture, int,
				  int, const XftCharFontSpec *, int);
extern int XftGetVersion(void);
extern Drawable XftDrawDrawable(XftDraw *);
extern void XftUnlockFace(XftFont *);
extern void XftGlyphFontSpecRender(Display *, int, Picture, Picture, int,
				   int, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int);
extern void XftColorFree(Display *, Visual *, Colormap, XftColor *);
extern FcBool XftFontInfoEqual(const XftFontInfo *, const XftFontInfo *);
extern void XftDrawRect(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, int, int,
			unsigned int, unsigned int);
extern XftFont *XftFontOpenPattern(Display *, FcPattern *);
extern FcPattern *XftNameParse(const char *);
extern Display *XftDrawDisplay(XftDraw *);
extern FcBool XftFontCheckGlyph(Display *, XftFont *, FcBool, FT_UInt,
				FT_UInt *, int *);
extern FcFontSet *XftListFonts(Display *, int, ...);
extern void XftDefaultSubstitute(Display *, int, FcPattern *);
extern Visual *XftDrawVisual(XftDraw *);
extern void XftFontLoadGlyphs(Display *, XftFont *, FcBool,
			      const FT_UInt *, int);
extern XftFont *XftFontOpenXlfd(Display *, int, const char *);
extern XftDraw *XftDrawCreate(Display *, Drawable, Visual *, Colormap);
extern void XftTextExtentsUtf8(Display *, XftFont *, const FcChar8 *, int,
			       XGlyphInfo *);
extern void XftTextExtents32(Display *, XftFont *, const FcChar32 *, int,
			     XGlyphInfo *);
extern void XftTextRenderUtf8(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern FT_UInt XftCharIndex(Display *, XftFont *, FcChar32);
extern void XftTextRender32(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			    int, int, int, int, const FcChar32 *, int);
extern void XftGlyphRender(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			   int, int, int, int, const FT_UInt *, int);
extern Picture XftDrawPicture(XftDraw *);
extern void XftDrawStringUtf8(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int,
			      int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern int XftDefaultSet(Display *, FcPattern *);
extern void XftDrawStringUtf16(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int,
			       int, const FcChar8 *, FcEndian, int);
extern int XftDrawSetClip(XftDraw *, Region);
extern void XftDrawString32(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int,
			    int, const FcChar32 *, int);
extern FcChar32 XftFontInfoHash(const XftFontInfo *);
extern XftFont *XftFontOpenInfo(Display *, FcPattern *, XftFontInfo *);
extern void XftDrawChange(XftDraw *, Drawable);
extern void XftCharSpecRender(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			      int, int, const XftCharSpec *, int);
extern void XftTextRender8(Display *, int, Picture, XftFont *, Picture,
			   int, int, int, int, const FcChar8 *, int);
extern void XftTextExtents16(Display *, XftFont *, const FcChar16 *, int,
			     XGlyphInfo *);
extern XftFont *XftFontOpenName(Display *, int, const char *);
extern FcPattern *XftFontMatch(Display *, int, const FcPattern *,
			       FcResult *);
extern FcBool XftInitFtLibrary(void);
extern void XftDrawString16(XftDraw *, const XftColor *, XftFont *, int,
			    int, const FcChar16 *, int);