- Table of Contents
- inchnstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- inchstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- instr -- obtain a string of characters from a curses window
- mvcur -- send cursor movement commands to terminal
- mvinchnstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- mvinchstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- mvinstr -- obtain a string of characters from a curses window
- mvscanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
- mvwinchnstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- mvwinchstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- mvwinstr -- obtain a string of characters from a curses window
- mvwscanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
- ripoffline -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- scanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
- vw_scanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
- vwscanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
- winchnstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- winchstr -- obtain a string of characters and their attributes from a curses window
- winstr -- obtain a string of characters from a curses window
- wscanw -- convert formatted input from a curses window
The interfaces defined on the following pages are included in libncurses and are defined
by this specification.
Unless otherwise noted, these interfaces shall be included
in the source standard.
Other interfaces listed in Section 13.5 shall behave as described
in the referenced base document.