Linux Standard Base Core Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 13-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libz library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[LSB] This Specification |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Compression Library specified in Table 13-2, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 13-2. libz - Compression Library Function Interfaces
adler32 [LSB] | compress [LSB] | compress2 [LSB] | compressBound [LSB] |
crc32 [LSB] | deflate [LSB] | deflateBound [LSB] | deflateCopy [LSB] |
deflateEnd [LSB] | deflateInit2_ [LSB] | deflateInit_ [LSB] | deflateParams [LSB] |
deflateReset [LSB] | deflateSetDictionary [LSB] | get_crc_table [LSB] | gzclose [LSB] |
gzdopen [LSB] | gzeof [LSB] | gzerror [LSB] | gzflush [LSB] |
gzgetc [LSB] | gzgets [LSB] | gzopen [LSB] | gzprintf [LSB] |
gzputc [LSB] | gzputs [LSB] | gzread [LSB] | gzrewind [LSB] |
gzseek [LSB] | gzsetparams [LSB] | gztell [LSB] | gzwrite [LSB] |
inflate [LSB] | inflateEnd [LSB] | inflateInit2_ [LSB] | inflateInit_ [LSB] |
inflateReset [LSB] | inflateSetDictionary [LSB] | inflateSync [LSB] | inflateSyncPoint [LSB] |
uncompress [LSB] | zError [LSB] | zlibVersion [LSB] |
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