Linux Standard Base Core Specification 4.1 | ||
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Table 14-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libnspr4 library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[NSPR] NSPR Reference |
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Netscape Portable Runtime specified in Table 14-2, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 14-2. libnspr4 - Netscape Portable Runtime Function Interfaces
PR_Accept [NSPR] | PR_Bind [NSPR] | PR_Cleanup [NSPR] |
PR_Close [NSPR] | PR_Connect [NSPR] | PR_CreateIOLayerStub [NSPR] |
PR_EnumerateAddrInfo [NSPR] | PR_FreeAddrInfo [NSPR] | PR_GetAddrInfoByName [NSPR] |
PR_GetDefaultIOMethods [NSPR] | PR_GetError [NSPR] | PR_GetLayersIdentity [NSPR] |
PR_GetSocketOption [NSPR] | PR_GetUniqueIdentity [NSPR] | PR_ImportTCPSocket [NSPR] |
PR_Interrupt [NSPR] | PR_Listen [NSPR] | PR_MillisecondsToInterval [NSPR] |
PR_NetAddrToString [NSPR] | PR_Now [NSPR] | PR_OpenTCPSocket [NSPR] |
PR_OpenUDPSocket [NSPR] | PR_Poll [NSPR] | PR_PopIOLayer [NSPR] |
PR_PushIOLayer [NSPR] | PR_Read [NSPR] | PR_Recv [NSPR] |
PR_RecvFrom [NSPR] | PR_SecondsToInterval [NSPR] | PR_Send [NSPR] |
PR_SendTo [NSPR] | PR_SetError [NSPR] | PR_SetSocketOption [NSPR] |
PR_Shutdown [NSPR] | PR_StringToNetAddr [NSPR] | PR_Write [NSPR] |
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