17.6. Data Definitions for libQtGui

This section defines global identifiers and their values that are associated with interfaces contained in libQtGui. These definitions are organized into groups that correspond to system headers. This convention is used as a convenience for the reader, and does not imply the existence of these headers, or their content. Where an interface is defined as requiring a particular system header file all of the data definitions for that system header file presented here shall be in effect.

This section gives data definitions to promote binary application portability, not to repeat source interface definitions available elsewhere. System providers and application developers should use this ABI to supplement - not to replace - source interface definition specifications.

This specification uses the ISO C (1999) C Language as the reference programming language, and data definitions are specified in ISO C format. The C language is used here as a convenient notation. Using a C language description of these data objects does not preclude their use by other programming languages.

17.6.1. QtGui/qabstractbutton.h

class QAbstractButton;

17.6.2. QtGui/qabstractitemdelegate.h

class QAbstractItemDelegate;
enum _ZN21QAbstractItemDelegate11EndEditHintE {
    NoHint = 0,
    EditNextItem = 1,
    EditPreviousItem = 2,
    SubmitModelCache = 3,
    RevertModelCache = 4

17.6.3. QtGui/qabstractitemview.h

class QAbstractItemView;
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView13SelectionModeE {
    NoSelection = 0,
    SingleSelection = 1,
    MultiSelection = 2,
    ExtendedSelection = 3,
    ContiguousSelection = 4
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView17SelectionBehaviorE {
    SelectItems = 0,
    SelectRows = 1,
    SelectColumns = 2
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView10ScrollHintE {
    EnsureVisible = 0,
    PositionAtTop = 1,
    PositionAtBottom = 2
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView11EditTriggerE {
    NoEditTriggers = 0,
    CurrentChanged = 1,
    DoubleClicked = 2,
    SelectedClicked = 4,
    EditKeyPressed = 8,
    AnyKeyPressed = 16,
    AllEditTriggers = 31
class QFlags < QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger >;
typedef class QFlags < QAbstractItemView::EditTrigger >
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView12CursorActionE {
    MoveUp = 0,
    MoveDown = 1,
    MoveLeft = 2,
    MoveRight = 3,
    MoveHome = 4,
    MoveEnd = 5,
    MovePageUp = 6,
    MovePageDown = 7,
    MoveNext = 8,
    MovePrevious = 9
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView5StateE {
    NoState = 0,
    DraggingState = 1,
    DragSelectingState = 2,
    EditingState = 3,
    ExpandingState = 4,
    CollapsingState = 5
enum _ZN17QAbstractItemView21DropIndicatorPositionE {
    OnItem = 0,
    AboveItem = 1,
    BelowItem = 2,
    OnViewport = 3

17.6.4. QtGui/qabstractpagesetupdialog.h

class QAbstractPageSetupDialog;

17.6.5. QtGui/qabstractprintdialog.h

class QAbstractPrintDialog;
enum _ZN20QAbstractPrintDialog10PrintRangeE {
    AllPages = 0,
    Selection = 1,
    PageRange = 2
enum _ZN20QAbstractPrintDialog17PrintDialogOptionE {
    None = 0,
    PrintToFile = 1,
    PrintSelection = 2,
    PrintPageRange = 4,
    PrintCollateCopies = 16
class QFlags < QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption >;
typedef class QFlags < QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption >

17.6.6. QtGui/qabstractproxymodel.h

class QAbstractProxyModel;

17.6.7. QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h

class QAbstractScrollArea;

17.6.8. QtGui/qabstractslider.h

class QAbstractSlider;
enum _ZN15QAbstractSlider12SliderActionE {
    SliderNoAction = 0,
    SliderSingleStepAdd = 1,
    SliderSingleStepSub = 2,
    SliderPageStepAdd = 3,
    SliderPageStepSub = 4,
    SliderToMinimum = 5,
    SliderToMaximum = 6,
    SliderMove = 7
enum _ZN15QAbstractSlider12SliderChangeE {
    SliderRangeChange = 0,
    SliderOrientationChange = 1,
    SliderStepsChange = 2,
    SliderValueChange = 3

17.6.9. QtGui/qabstractspinbox.h

class QAbstractSpinBox;
enum _ZN16QAbstractSpinBox15StepEnabledFlagE {
    StepNone = 0,
    StepUpEnabled = 1,
    StepDownEnabled = 2
class QFlags < QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QAbstractSpinBox::StepEnabledFlag >
enum _ZN16QAbstractSpinBox13ButtonSymbolsE {
    UpDownArrows = 0,
    PlusMinus = 1

17.6.10. QtGui/qabstracttextdocumentlayout.h

class QAbstractTextDocumentLayout;
struct QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection;
struct QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext;
class QTextObjectInterface;

17.6.11. QtGui/qaccessible.h

class QAccessible;
enum _ZN11QAccessible5EventE {
    SoundPlayed = 1,
    Alert = 2,
    ForegroundChanged = 3,
    MenuStart = 4,
    MenuEnd = 5,
    PopupMenuStart = 6,
    PopupMenuEnd = 7,
    ContextHelpStart = 12,
    ContextHelpEnd = 13,
    DragDropStart = 14,
    DragDropEnd = 15,
    DialogStart = 16,
    DialogEnd = 17,
    ScrollingStart = 18,
    ScrollingEnd = 19,
    MenuCommand = 24,
    ObjectCreated = 32768,
    ObjectDestroyed = 32769,
    ObjectShow = 32770,
    ObjectHide = 32771,
    ObjectReorder = 32772,
    Focus = 32773,
    Selection = 32774,
    SelectionAdd = 32775,
    SelectionRemove = 32776,
    SelectionWithin = 32777,
    StateChanged = 32778,
    LocationChanged = 32779,
    NameChanged = 32780,
    DescriptionChanged = 32781,
    ValueChanged = 32782,
    ParentChanged = 32783,
    HelpChanged = 32928,
    DefaultActionChanged = 32944,
    AcceleratorChanged = 32960
enum _ZN11QAccessible9StateFlagE {
    Modal = -2147483648,
    Normal = 0,
    Unavailable = 1,
    Selected = 2,
    Focused = 4,
    Pressed = 8,
    Checked = 16,
    Mixed = 32,
    ReadOnly = 64,
    HotTracked = 128,
    DefaultButton = 256,
    Expanded = 512,
    Collapsed = 1024,
    Busy = 2048,
    Marqueed = 8192,
    Animated = 16384,
    Invisible = 32768,
    Offscreen = 65536,
    Sizeable = 131072,
    Moveable = 262144,
    Movable = 262144,
    SelfVoicing = 524288,
    Focusable = 1048576,
    Selectable = 2097152,
    Linked = 4194304,
    Traversed = 8388608,
    MultiSelectable = 16777216,
    ExtSelectable = 33554432,
    Protected = 536870912,
    HasPopup = 1073741824
class QFlags < QAccessible::StateFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QAccessible::StateFlag > QAccessible::State;
enum _ZN11QAccessible4RoleE {
    NoRole = 0,
    TitleBar = 1,
    MenuBar = 2,
    ScrollBar = 3,
    Grip = 4,
    Sound = 5,
    Cursor = 6,
    Caret = 7,
    AlertMessage = 8,
    Window = 9,
    Client = 10,
    PopupMenu = 11,
    MenuItem = 12,
    ToolTip = 13,
    Application = 14,
    Document = 15,
    Pane = 16,
    Chart = 17,
    Dialog = 18,
    Border = 19,
    Grouping = 20,
    Separator = 21,
    ToolBar = 22,
    StatusBar = 23,
    Table = 24,
    ColumnHeader = 25,
    RowHeader = 26,
    Column = 27,
    Row = 28,
    Cell = 29,
    Link = 30,
    HelpBalloon = 31,
    Assistant = 32,
    List = 33,
    ListItem = 34,
    Tree = 35,
    TreeItem = 36,
    PageTab = 37,
    PropertyPage = 38,
    Indicator = 39,
    Graphic = 40,
    StaticText = 41,
    EditableText = 42,
    PushButton = 43,
    CheckBox = 44,
    RadioButton = 45,
    ComboBox = 46,
    ProgressBar = 48,
    Dial = 49,
    HotkeyField = 50,
    Slider = 51,
    SpinBox = 52,
    Canvas = 53,
    Animation = 54,
    Equation = 55,
    ButtonDropDown = 56,
    ButtonMenu = 57,
    ButtonDropGrid = 58,
    Whitespace = 59,
    PageTabList = 60,
    Clock = 61,
    Splitter = 62,
    LayeredPane = 63,
    UserRole = 65535
enum _ZN11QAccessible4TextE {
    Name = 0,
    Description = 1,
    Value = 2,
    Help = 3,
    Accelerator = 4,
    UserText = 65535
enum _ZN11QAccessible12RelationFlagE {
    Unrelated = 0,
    Self = 1,
    Ancestor = 2,
    Child = 4,
    Descendent = 8,
    Sibling = 16,
    HierarchyMask = 255,
    Up = 256,
    Down = 512,
    Left = 1024,
    Right = 2048,
    Covers = 4096,
    Covered = 8192,
    GeometryMask = 65280,
    FocusChild = 65536,
    Label = 131072,
    Labelled = 262144,
    Controller = 524288,
    Controlled = 1048576,
    LogicalMask = 16711680
class QFlags < QAccessible::RelationFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QAccessible::RelationFlag > QAccessible::Relation;
enum _ZN11QAccessible6ActionE {
    LastStandardAction = -11,
    AddToSelection = -11,
    ExtendSelection = -10,
    RemoveSelection = -9,
    ClearSelection = -8,
    Select = -7,
    Cancel = -6,
    Accept = -5,
    Decrease = -4,
    Increase = -3,
    SetFocus = -2,
    FirstStandardAction = -1,
    Press = -1,
    DefaultAction = 0
typedef void QAccessible::UpdateHandler;
typedef void QAccessible::RootObjectHandler;
class QAccessibleInterface;
class QAccessibleEvent;

17.6.12. QtGui/qaccessiblebridge.h

class QAccessibleBridge;
struct QAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface;
class QAccessibleBridgePlugin;

17.6.13. QtGui/qaccessibleobject.h

class QAccessibleObject;
class QAccessibleApplication;

17.6.14. QtGui/qaccessibleplugin.h

struct QAccessibleFactoryInterface;
class QAccessiblePlugin;

17.6.15. QtGui/qaccessiblewidget.h

class QAccessibleWidget;

17.6.16. QtGui/qaction.h

class QAction;
enum _ZN7QAction11ActionEventE {
    Trigger = 0,
    Hover = 1

17.6.17. QtGui/qactiongroup.h

class QActionGroup;

17.6.18. QtGui/qapplication.h

class QApplication;
enum _ZN12QApplication4TypeE {
    Tty = 0,
    GuiClient = 1,
    GuiServer = 2
enum _ZN12QApplication9ColorSpecE {
    NormalColor = 0,
    CustomColor = 1,
    ManyColor = 2
typedef int QApplication::ColorMode;

17.6.19. QtGui/qbitmap.h

class QBitmap;

17.6.20. QtGui/qboxlayout.h

class QBoxLayout;
enum _ZN10QBoxLayout9DirectionE {
    LeftToRight = 0,
    RightToLeft = 1,
    TopToBottom = 2,
    Down = 2,
    BottomToTop = 3,
    Up = 3
class QHBoxLayout;
class QVBoxLayout;

17.6.21. QtGui/qbrush.h

class QBrush;
struct QBrushData;
class QGradient;
enum _ZN9QGradient4TypeE {
    LinearGradient = 0,
    RadialGradient = 1,
    ConicalGradient = 2,
    NoGradient = 3
enum _ZN9QGradient6SpreadE {
    PadSpread = 0,
    ReflectSpread = 1,
    RepeatSpread = 2
class QLinearGradient;
class QRadialGradient;
class QConicalGradient;

17.6.22. QtGui/qbuttongroup.h

class QButtonGroup;

17.6.23. QtGui/qcdestyle.h

class QCDEStyle;

17.6.24. QtGui/qcheckbox.h

class QCheckBox;
enum _ZN9QCheckBox11ToggleStateE {
    Off = 0,
    NoChange = 1,
    On = 2

17.6.25. QtGui/qclipboard.h

class QClipboard;
enum _ZN10QClipboard4ModeE {
    Clipboard = 0,
    Selection = 1

17.6.26. QtGui/qcolor.h

class QColor;
enum _ZN6QColor4SpecE {
    Invalid = 0,
    Rgb = 1,
    Hsv = 2,
    Cmyk = 3

17.6.27. QtGui/qcolordialog.h

class QColorDialog;

17.6.28. QtGui/qcolormap.h

class QColormap;
enum _ZN9QColormap4ModeE {
    Direct = 0,
    Indexed = 1,
    Gray = 2

17.6.29. QtGui/qcombobox.h

class QComboBox;
enum _ZN9QComboBox12InsertPolicyE {
    NoInsert = 0,
    NoInsertion = 0,
    AtTop = 1,
    InsertAtTop = 1,
    AtCurrent = 2,
    InsertAtCurrent = 2,
    InsertAtBottom = 3,
    AtBottom = 3,
    InsertAfterCurrent = 4,
    AfterCurrent = 4,
    InsertBeforeCurrent = 5,
    BeforeCurrent = 5
typedef enum _ZN9QComboBox12InsertPolicyE {
    NoInsert = 0,
    NoInsertion = 0,
    AtTop = 1,
    InsertAtTop = 1,
    AtCurrent = 2,
    InsertAtCurrent = 2,
    InsertAtBottom = 3,
    AtBottom = 3,
    InsertAfterCurrent = 4,
    AfterCurrent = 4,
    InsertBeforeCurrent = 5,
    BeforeCurrent = 5
} QComboBox::Policy;
enum _ZN9QComboBox16SizeAdjustPolicyE {
    AdjustToContents = 0,
    AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1,
    AdjustToMinimumContentsLength = 2

17.6.30. QtGui/qcommonstyle.h

class QCommonStyle;

17.6.31. QtGui/qcursor.h

class QCursor;
typedef enum _ZN2Qt11CursorShapeE QCursorShape;

17.6.32. QtGui/qdatetimeedit.h

class QDateTimeEdit;
enum _ZN13QDateTimeEdit7SectionE {
    NoSection = 0,
    AmPmSection = 1,
    MSecSection = 2,
    SecondSection = 4,
    MinuteSection = 8,
    HourSection = 16,
    TimeSections_Mask = 31,
    DaySection = 256,
    MonthSection = 512,
    YearSection = 1024,
    DateSections_Mask = 1792
class QFlags < QDateTimeEdit::Section >;
typedef class QFlags < QDateTimeEdit::Section > QDateTimeEdit::Sections;
class QTimeEdit;
class QDateEdit;

17.6.33. QtGui/qdesktopwidget.h

class QDesktopWidget;

17.6.34. QtGui/qdial.h

typedef enum QtValidLicenseForGuiModule QtGuiModule;
class QDial;

17.6.35. QtGui/qdialog.h

class QDialog;
enum _ZN7QDialog10DialogCodeE {
    Rejected = 0,
    Accepted = 1

17.6.36. QtGui/qdirmodel.h

class QFileIconProvider;
enum _ZN17QFileIconProvider8IconTypeE {
    Computer = 0,
    Desktop = 1,
    Trashcan = 2,
    Network = 3,
    Drive = 4,
    Folder = 5,
    File = 6
class QDirModel;
enum _ZN9QDirModel5RolesE {
    FileIconRole = 1,
    FilePathRole = 33,
    FileNameRole = 34

17.6.37. QtGui/qdockwidget.h

class QDockWidget;
enum _ZN11QDockWidget17DockWidgetFeatureE {
    NoDockWidgetFeatures = 0,
    DockWidgetClosable = 1,
    DockWidgetMovable = 2,
    DockWidgetFloatable = 4,
    DockWidgetFeatureMask = 7,
    AllDockWidgetFeatures = 7,
    Reserved = 255
class QFlags < QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QDockWidget::DockWidgetFeature >

17.6.38. QtGui/qdrag.h

class QDrag;

17.6.39. QtGui/qerrormessage.h

class QErrorMessage;

17.6.40. QtGui/qevent.h

class QInputEvent;
class QMouseEvent;
class QHoverEvent;
class QWheelEvent;
class QTabletEvent;
enum _ZN12QTabletEvent12TabletDeviceE {
    NoDevice = 0,
    Puck = 1,
    Stylus = 2,
    Airbrush = 3,
    FourDMouse = 4,
    XFreeEraser = 5,
    RotationStylus = 6
enum _ZN12QTabletEvent11PointerTypeE {
    UnknownPointer = 0,
    Pen = 1,
    Cursor = 2,
    Eraser = 3
class QKeyEvent;
class QFocusEvent;
enum _ZN11QFocusEvent6ReasonE {
    Mouse = 0,
    Tab = 1,
    Backtab = 2,
    ActiveWindow = 3,
    Popup = 4,
    Shortcut = 5,
    MenuBar = 6,
    Other = 7
class QPaintEvent;
class QMoveEvent;
class QResizeEvent;
class QCloseEvent;
class QIconDragEvent;
class QShowEvent;
class QHideEvent;
class QContextMenuEvent;
enum _ZN17QContextMenuEvent6ReasonE {
    Mouse = 0,
    Keyboard = 1,
    Other = 2
class QInputMethodEvent;
enum _ZN17QInputMethodEvent13AttributeTypeE {
    TextFormat = 0,
    Cursor = 1,
    Language = 2,
    Ruby = 3
class QInputMethodEvent::Attribute;
class QDropEvent;
enum _ZN10QDropEvent6ActionE {
    Copy = 0,
    Link = 1,
    Move = 2,
    Private = 3,
    UserAction = 3
class QDragMoveEvent;
class QDragEnterEvent;
class QDragResponseEvent;
class QDragLeaveEvent;
class QHelpEvent;
class QStatusTipEvent;
class QWhatsThisClickedEvent;
class QActionEvent;
class QFileOpenEvent;
class QToolBarChangeEvent;
class QShortcutEvent;
class QClipboardEvent;
class QWindowStateChangeEvent;
class QMenubarUpdatedEvent;

17.6.41. QtGui/qfiledialog.h

class QFileDialog;
enum _ZN11QFileDialog8ViewModeE {
    Detail = 0,
    List = 1
enum _ZN11QFileDialog8FileModeE {
    AnyFile = 0,
    ExistingFile = 1,
    Directory = 2,
    ExistingFiles = 3,
    DirectoryOnly = 4
enum _ZN11QFileDialog10AcceptModeE {
    AcceptOpen = 0,
    AcceptSave = 1
enum _ZN11QFileDialog11DialogLabelE {
    LookIn = 0,
    FileName = 1,
    FileType = 2,
    Accept = 3,
    Reject = 4
enum _ZN11QFileDialog6OptionE {
    ShowDirsOnly = 1,
    DontResolveSymlinks = 2,
    DontConfirmOverwrite = 4,
    DontUseSheet = 8,
    DontUseNativeDialog = 16
class QFlags < QFileDialog::Option >;
typedef class QFlags < QFileDialog::Option > QFileDialog::Options;
typedef enum _ZN11QFileDialog8FileModeE {
    AnyFile = 0,
    ExistingFile = 1,
    Directory = 2,
    ExistingFiles = 3,
    DirectoryOnly = 4
} QFileDialog::Mode;

17.6.42. QtGui/qfocusframe.h

class QFocusFrame;

17.6.43. QtGui/qfont.h

class QFont;
enum _ZN5QFont9StyleHintE {
    Helvetica = 0,
    SansSerif = 0,
    Times = 1,
    Serif = 1,
    TypeWriter = 2,
    Courier = 2,
    OldEnglish = 3,
    Decorative = 3,
    System = 4,
    AnyStyle = 5
enum _ZN5QFont13StyleStrategyE {
    PreferDefault = 1,
    PreferBitmap = 2,
    PreferDevice = 4,
    PreferOutline = 8,
    ForceOutline = 16,
    PreferMatch = 32,
    PreferQuality = 64,
    PreferAntialias = 128,
    NoAntialias = 256,
    OpenGLCompatible = 512
enum _ZN5QFont6WeightE {
    Light = 25,
    Normal = 50,
    DemiBold = 63,
    Bold = 75,
    Black = 87
enum _ZN5QFont5StyleE {
    StyleNormal = 0,
    StyleItalic = 1,
    StyleOblique = 2
enum _ZN5QFont7StretchE {
    UltraCondensed = 50,
    ExtraCondensed = 62,
    Condensed = 75,
    SemiCondensed = 87,
    Unstretched = 100,
    SemiExpanded = 112,
    Expanded = 125,
    ExtraExpanded = 150,
    UltraExpanded = 200

17.6.44. QtGui/qfontdatabase.h

class QFontDatabase;
enum _ZN13QFontDatabase13WritingSystemE {
    Any = 0,
    Latin = 1,
    Greek = 2,
    Cyrillic = 3,
    Armenian = 4,
    Hebrew = 5,
    Arabic = 6,
    Syriac = 7,
    Thaana = 8,
    Devanagari = 9,
    Bengali = 10,
    Gurmukhi = 11,
    Gujarati = 12,
    Oriya = 13,
    Tamil = 14,
    Telugu = 15,
    Kannada = 16,
    Malayalam = 17,
    Sinhala = 18,
    Thai = 19,
    Lao = 20,
    Tibetan = 21,
    Myanmar = 22,
    Georgian = 23,
    Khmer = 24,
    SimplifiedChinese = 25,
    TraditionalChinese = 26,
    Japanese = 27,
    Korean = 28,
    Vietnamese = 29,
    Other = 30,
    WritingSystemsCount = 31

17.6.45. QtGui/qfontdialog.h

class QFontDialog;

17.6.46. QtGui/qfontinfo.h

class QFontInfo;

17.6.47. QtGui/qfontmetrics.h

class QFontMetrics;
class QFontMetricsF;

17.6.48. QtGui/qframe.h

class QFrame;
enum _ZN6QFrame5ShapeE {
    NoFrame = 0,
    Box = 1,
    Panel = 2,
    WinPanel = 3,
    HLine = 4,
    VLine = 5,
    TabWidgetPanel = 6,
    LineEditPanel = 6,
    ToolBarPanel = 6,
    MenuBarPanel = 6,
    PopupPanel = 6,
    StyledPanel = 6,
    GroupBoxPanel = 6
enum _ZN6QFrame6ShadowE {
    Plain = 16,
    Raised = 32,
    Sunken = 48

17.6.49. QtGui/qgridlayout.h

class QGridLayout;

17.6.50. QtGui/qgroupbox.h

class QGroupBox;

17.6.51. QtGui/qheaderview.h

class QHeaderView;
enum _ZN11QHeaderView10ResizeModeE {
    Interactive = 0,
    Stretch = 1,
    Custom = 2

17.6.52. QtGui/qicon.h

class QIcon;
enum _ZN5QIcon4ModeE {
    Normal = 0,
    Disabled = 1,
    Active = 2
enum _ZN5QIcon5StateE {
    On = 0,
    Off = 1
enum _ZN5QIcon4SizeE {
    Small = 0,
    Automatic = 0,
    Large = 1
typedef class QIconQIconSet;

17.6.53. QtGui/qiconengine.h

class QIconEngine;

17.6.54. QtGui/qiconengineplugin.h

struct QIconEngineFactoryInterface;
class QIconEnginePlugin;

17.6.55. QtGui/qimage.h

class QImageTextKeyLang;
class QImage;
enum _ZN6QImage10InvertModeE {
    InvertRgb = 0,
    InvertRgba = 1
enum _ZN6QImage6FormatE {
    Format_Invalid = 0,
    Format_Mono = 1,
    Format_MonoLSB = 2,
    Format_Indexed8 = 3,
    Format_RGB32 = 4,
    Format_ARGB32 = 5,
    Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied = 6
enum _ZN6QImage6EndianE {
    BigEndian = 0,
    LittleEndian = 1,
    IgnoreEndian = 2

17.6.56. QtGui/qimageiohandler.h

class QImageIOHandler;
enum _ZN15QImageIOHandler11ImageOptionE {
    Size = 0,
    ClipRect = 1,
    Description = 2,
    ScaledClipRect = 3,
    ScaledSize = 4,
    CompressionRatio = 5,
    Gamma = 6,
    Quality = 7,
    Name = 8,
    SubType = 9,
    IncrementalReading = 10,
    Endianness = 11,
    Animation = 12,
    BackgroundColor = 13
struct QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface;
class QImageIOPlugin;
enum _ZN14QImageIOPlugin10CapabilityE {
    CanRead = 1,
    CanWrite = 2,
    CanReadIncremental = 4
class QFlags < QImageIOPlugin::Capability >;
typedef class QFlags < QImageIOPlugin::Capability >

17.6.57. QtGui/qimagereader.h

class QImageReader;
enum _ZN12QImageReader16ImageReaderErrorE {
    UnknownError = 0,
    FileNotFoundError = 1,
    DeviceError = 2,
    UnsupportedFormatError = 3,
    InvalidDataError = 4

17.6.58. QtGui/qimagewriter.h

class QImageWriter;
enum _ZN12QImageWriter16ImageWriterErrorE {
    UnknownError = 0,
    DeviceError = 1,
    UnsupportedFormatError = 2

17.6.59. QtGui/qinputcontext.h

class QInputContext;
enum _ZN13QInputContext14StandardFormatE {
    PreeditFormat = 0,
    SelectionFormat = 1

17.6.60. QtGui/qinputcontextfactory.h

class QInputContextFactory;

17.6.61. QtGui/qinputcontextplugin.h

struct QInputContextFactoryInterface;
class QInputContextPlugin;

17.6.62. QtGui/qinputdialog.h

class QInputDialog;
enum _ZN12QInputDialog4TypeE {
    LineEdit = 0,
    SpinBox = 1,
    DoubleSpinBox = 2,
    ComboBox = 3,
    EditableComboBox = 4

17.6.63. QtGui/qitemdelegate.h

class QItemDelegate;

17.6.64. QtGui/qitemeditorfactory.h

class QItemEditorCreatorBase;
class QItemEditorFactory;

17.6.65. QtGui/qitemselectionmodel.h

class QItemSelectionRange;
class QItemSelectionModel;
enum _ZN19QItemSelectionModel13SelectionFlagE {
    NoUpdate = 0,
    Clear = 1,
    Select = 2,
    ClearAndSelect = 3,
    Deselect = 4,
    Toggle = 8,
    Current = 16,
    SelectCurrent = 18,
    ToggleCurrent = 24,
    Rows = 32,
    Columns = 64
class QFlags < QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag >
class QItemSelection;

17.6.66. QtGui/qkeysequence.h

class QKeySequence;
enum _ZN12QKeySequence13SequenceMatchE {
    NoMatch = 0,
    PartialMatch = 1,
    ExactMatch = 2,
    Identical = 2
enum _ZN12QKeySequence14SequenceFormatE {
    NativeText = 0,
    PortableText = 1

17.6.67. QtGui/qlabel.h

class QLabel;

17.6.68. QtGui/qlayout.h

class QLayoutIterator;
class QLayout;
enum _ZN7QLayout14SizeConstraintE {
    SetDefaultConstraint = 0,
    Auto = 0,
    SetNoConstraint = 1,
    FreeResize = 1,
    SetMinimumSize = 2,
    Minimum = 2,
    Fixed = 3,
    SetFixedSize = 3,
    SetMaximumSize = 4,
    SetMinAndMaxSize = 5

17.6.69. QtGui/qlayoutitem.h

class QLayoutItem;
class QSpacerItem;
class QWidgetItem;

17.6.70. QtGui/qlcdnumber.h

class QLCDNumber;
enum _ZN10QLCDNumber4ModeE {
    Hex = 0,
    HEX = 0,
    Dec = 1,
    DEC = 1,
    Oct = 2,
    OCT = 2,
    Bin = 3,
    BIN = 3
enum _ZN10QLCDNumber12SegmentStyleE {
    Outline = 0,
    Filled = 1,
    Flat = 2

17.6.71. QtGui/qlineedit.h

class QLineEdit;
enum _ZN9QLineEdit8EchoModeE {
    Normal = 0,
    NoEcho = 1,
    Password = 2

17.6.72. QtGui/qlistview.h

class QListView;
enum _ZN9QListView8MovementE {
    Static = 0,
    Free = 1,
    Snap = 2
enum _ZN9QListView4FlowE {
    LeftToRight = 0,
    TopToBottom = 1
enum _ZN9QListView10ResizeModeE {
    Fixed = 0,
    Adjust = 1
enum _ZN9QListView10LayoutModeE {
    SinglePass = 0,
    Batched = 1
enum _ZN9QListView8ViewModeE {
    ListMode = 0,
    IconMode = 1

17.6.73. QtGui/qlistwidget.h

class QListWidgetItem;
class QListWidget;

17.6.74. QtGui/qmainwindow.h

class QMainWindow;

17.6.75. QtGui/qmatrix.h

class QMatrix;

17.6.76. QtGui/qmenu.h

class QMenu;

17.6.77. QtGui/qmenubar.h

class QMenuBar;
enum _ZN8QMenuBar9SeparatorE {
    Never = 0,
    InWindowsStyle = 1

17.6.78. QtGui/qmenudata.h

class QMenuItem;

17.6.79. QtGui/qmessagebox.h

class QMessageBox;
enum _ZN11QMessageBox4IconE {
    NoIcon = 0,
    Information = 1,
    Warning = 2,
    Critical = 3,
    Question = 4
enum _ZN11QMessageBox6ButtonE {
    NoButton = 0,
    Ok = 1,
    Cancel = 2,
    Yes = 3,
    No = 4,
    Abort = 5,
    Retry = 6,
    Ignore = 7,
    YesAll = 8,
    NoAll = 9,
    ButtonMask = 255,
    Default = 256,
    Escape = 512,
    FlagMask = 768

17.6.80. QtGui/qmime.h

class QMimeSource;

17.6.81. QtGui/qmotifstyle.h

class QMotifStyle;

17.6.82. QtGui/qmovie.h

class QMovie;
enum _ZN6QMovie10MovieStateE {
    NotRunning = 0,
    Paused = 1,
    Running = 2
enum _ZN6QMovie9CacheModeE {
    CacheNone = 0,
    CacheAll = 1

17.6.83. QtGui/qpagesetupdialog.h

class QPageSetupDialog;

17.6.84. QtGui/qpaintdevice.h

class QPaintDevice;
enum _ZN12QPaintDevice17PaintDeviceMetricE {
    PdmWidth = 1,
    PdmHeight = 2,
    PdmWidthMM = 3,
    PdmHeightMM = 4,
    PdmNumColors = 5,
    PdmDepth = 6,
    PdmDpiX = 7,
    PdmDpiY = 8,
    PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9,
    PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10

17.6.85. QtGui/qpaintengine.h

class QTextItem;
enum _ZN9QTextItem10RenderFlagE {
    Dummy = -1,
    RightToLeft = 1,
    Overline = 16,
    Underline = 32,
    StrikeOut = 64
class QFlags < QTextItem::RenderFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QTextItem::RenderFlag > QTextItem::RenderFlags;
class QPaintEngine;
enum _ZN12QPaintEngine18PaintEngineFeatureE {
    AllFeatures = -1,
    PrimitiveTransform = 1,
    PatternTransform = 2,
    PixmapTransform = 4,
    PatternBrush = 8,
    LinearGradientFill = 16,
    RadialGradientFill = 32,
    ConicalGradientFill = 64,
    AlphaBlend = 128,
    PorterDuff = 256,
    PainterPaths = 512,
    Antialiasing = 1024,
    BrushStroke = 2048,
    PaintOutsidePaintEvent = 536870912
class QFlags < QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QPaintEngine::PaintEngineFeature >
enum _ZN12QPaintEngine9DirtyFlagE {
    DirtyPen = 1,
    DirtyBrush = 2,
    DirtyBrushOrigin = 4,
    DirtyFont = 8,
    DirtyBackground = 16,
    DirtyBackgroundMode = 32,
    DirtyTransform = 64,
    DirtyClipRegion = 128,
    DirtyClipPath = 256,
    DirtyHints = 512,
    DirtyCompositionMode = 1024,
    DirtyClipEnabled = 2048,
    AllDirty = 65535
class QFlags < QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QPaintEngine::DirtyFlag > QPaintEngine::DirtyFlags;
enum _ZN12QPaintEngine15PolygonDrawModeE {
    OddEvenMode = 0,
    WindingMode = 1,
    ConvexMode = 2,
    PolylineMode = 3
enum _ZN12QPaintEngine4TypeE {
    X11 = 0,
    Windows = 1,
    QuickDraw = 2,
    CoreGraphics = 3,
    MacPrinter = 4,
    QWindowSystem = 5,
    PostScript = 6,
    OpenGL = 7,
    Picture = 8,
    SVG = 9,
    Raster = 10,
    User = 50,
    MaxUser = 100
class QPaintEngineState;

17.6.86. QtGui/qpainter.h

class QPainter;
enum _ZN8QPainter10RenderHintE {
    Antialiasing = 1,
    TextAntialiasing = 2,
    SmoothPixmapTransform = 4
class QFlags < QPainter::RenderHint >;
typedef class QFlags < QPainter::RenderHint > QPainter::RenderHints;
enum _ZN8QPainter15CompositionModeE {
    CompositionMode_SourceOver = 0,
    CompositionMode_DestinationOver = 1,
    CompositionMode_Clear = 2,
    CompositionMode_Source = 3,
    CompositionMode_Destination = 4,
    CompositionMode_SourceIn = 5,
    CompositionMode_DestinationIn = 6,
    CompositionMode_SourceOut = 7,
    CompositionMode_DestinationOut = 8,
    CompositionMode_SourceAtop = 9,
    CompositionMode_DestinationAtop = 10,
    CompositionMode_Xor = 11

17.6.87. QtGui/qpainterpath.h

class QPainterPath;
enum _ZN12QPainterPath11ElementTypeE {
    MoveToElement = 0,
    LineToElement = 1,
    CurveToElement = 2,
    CurveToDataElement = 3
class QPainterPath::Element;
class QPainterPathPrivate;
class QPainterPathStroker;

17.6.88. QtGui/qpalette.h

class QPalette;
enum _ZN8QPalette10ColorGroupE {
    Active = 0,
    Normal = 0,
    Disabled = 1,
    Inactive = 2,
    NColorGroups = 3,
    Current = 4,
    All = 5
enum _ZN8QPalette9ColorRoleE {
    WindowText = 0,
    Foreground = 0,
    Button = 1,
    Light = 2,
    Midlight = 3,
    Dark = 4,
    Mid = 5,
    Text = 6,
    BrightText = 7,
    ButtonText = 8,
    Base = 9,
    Background = 10,
    Window = 10,
    Shadow = 11,
    Highlight = 12,
    HighlightedText = 13,
    Link = 14,
    LinkVisited = 15,
    AlternateBase = 16,
    NColorRoles = 17,
    NoRole = 17
class QColorGroup;

17.6.89. QtGui/qpen.h

class QPen;

17.6.90. QtGui/qpicture.h

class QPicture;
typedef void picture_io_handler;
class QPictureIO;

17.6.91. QtGui/qpictureformatplugin.h

struct QPictureFormatInterface;
class QPictureFormatPlugin;

17.6.92. QtGui/qpixmap.h

class QPixmap;
enum _ZN7QPixmap9ColorModeE {
    Auto = 0,
    Color = 1,
    Mono = 2
enum _ZN7QPixmap4TypeE {
    PixmapType = 0,
    BitmapType = 1

17.6.93. QtGui/qpixmapcache.h

class QPixmapCache;

17.6.94. QtGui/qplastiquestyle.h

class QPlastiqueStyle;

17.6.95. QtGui/qpolygon.h

class QPolygon;
class QPolygonF;

17.6.96. QtGui/qprintdialog.h

class QPrintDialog;

17.6.97. QtGui/qprintengine.h

class QPrintEngine;
enum _ZN12QPrintEngine22PrintEnginePropertyKeyE {
    PPK_CollateCopies = 0,
    PPK_ColorMode = 1,
    PPK_Creator = 2,
    PPK_DocumentName = 3,
    PPK_FullPage = 4,
    PPK_NumberOfCopies = 5,
    PPK_Orientation = 6,
    PPK_OutputFileName = 7,
    PPK_PageOrder = 8,
    PPK_PageRect = 9,
    PPK_PageSize = 10,
    PPK_PaperRect = 11,
    PPK_PaperSource = 12,
    PPK_PrinterName = 13,
    PPK_PrinterProgram = 14,
    PPK_Resolution = 15,
    PPK_SelectionOption = 16,
    PPK_SupportedResolutions = 17,
    PPK_WindowsPageSize = 18,
    PPK_FontEmbedding = 19,
    PPK_SuppressSystemPrintStatus = 20,
    PPK_CustomBase = 65280

17.6.98. QtGui/qprinter.h

class QPrinter;
enum _ZN8QPrinter11PrinterModeE {
    ScreenResolution = 0,
    PrinterResolution = 1,
    HighResolution = 2
enum _ZN8QPrinter11OrientationE {
    Portrait = 0,
    Landscape = 1
enum _ZN8QPrinter8PageSizeE {
    A4 = 0,
    B5 = 1,
    Letter = 2,
    Legal = 3,
    Executive = 4,
    A0 = 5,
    A1 = 6,
    A2 = 7,
    A3 = 8,
    A5 = 9,
    A6 = 10,
    A7 = 11,
    A8 = 12,
    A9 = 13,
    B0 = 14,
    B1 = 15,
    B10 = 16,
    B2 = 17,
    B3 = 18,
    B4 = 19,
    B6 = 20,
    B7 = 21,
    B8 = 22,
    B9 = 23,
    C5E = 24,
    Comm10E = 25,
    DLE = 26,
    Folio = 27,
    Ledger = 28,
    Tabloid = 29,
    Custom = 30,
    NPageSize = 30
enum _ZN8QPrinter9PageOrderE {
    FirstPageFirst = 0,
    LastPageFirst = 1
enum _ZN8QPrinter9ColorModeE {
    GrayScale = 0,
    Color = 1
enum _ZN8QPrinter11PaperSourceE {
    OnlyOne = 0,
    Lower = 1,
    Middle = 2,
    Manual = 3,
    Envelope = 4,
    EnvelopeManual = 5,
    Auto = 6,
    Tractor = 7,
    SmallFormat = 8,
    LargeFormat = 9,
    LargeCapacity = 10,
    Cassette = 11,
    FormSource = 12
enum _ZN8QPrinter12PrinterStateE {
    Idle = 0,
    Active = 1,
    Aborted = 2,
    Error = 3
enum _ZN8QPrinter12OutputFormatE {
    NativeFormat = 0,
    PdfFormat = 1
enum _ZN8QPrinter10PrintRangeE {
    AllPages = 0,
    Selection = 1,
    PageRange = 2
enum _ZN8QPrinter13PrinterOptionE {
    PrintToFile = 0,
    PrintSelection = 1,
    PrintPageRange = 2

17.6.99. QtGui/qprogressbar.h

class QProgressBar;
enum _ZN12QProgressBar9DirectionE {
    TopToBottom = 0,
    BottomToTop = 1

17.6.100. QtGui/qprogressdialog.h

class QProgressDialog;

17.6.101. QtGui/qproxymodel.h

class QProxyModel;

17.6.102. QtGui/qpushbutton.h

class QPushButton;

17.6.103. QtGui/qradiobutton.h

class QRadioButton;

17.6.104. QtGui/qregion.h

class QRegion;
enum _ZN7QRegion10RegionTypeE {
    Rectangle = 0,
    Ellipse = 1
struct QRegion::QRegionData;

17.6.105. QtGui/qrgb.h

typedef unsigned int QRgb;

17.6.106. QtGui/qrubberband.h

class QRubberBand;
enum _ZN11QRubberBand5ShapeE {
    Line = 0,
    Rectangle = 1

17.6.107. QtGui/qscrollarea.h

class QScrollArea;

17.6.108. QtGui/qscrollbar.h

class QScrollBar;

17.6.109. QtGui/qsessionmanager.h

class QSessionManager;
enum _ZN15QSessionManager11RestartHintE {
    RestartIfRunning = 0,
    RestartAnyway = 1,
    RestartImmediately = 2,
    RestartNever = 3

17.6.110. QtGui/qshortcut.h

class QShortcut;

17.6.111. QtGui/qsizegrip.h

class QSizeGrip;

17.6.112. QtGui/qsizepolicy.h

class QSizePolicy;
enum _ZN11QSizePolicy15SizePolicyMasksE {
    HSize = 4,
    HMask = 15,
    VMask = 240
enum _ZN11QSizePolicy10PolicyFlagE {
    GrowFlag = 1,
    ExpandFlag = 2,
    ShrinkFlag = 4,
    IgnoreFlag = 8
enum _ZN11QSizePolicy6PolicyE {
    Fixed = 0,
    Minimum = 1,
    MinimumExpanding = 3,
    Maximum = 4,
    Preferred = 5,
    Expanding = 7,
    Ignored = 13
typedef enum _ZN11QSizePolicy6PolicyE {
    Fixed = 0,
    Minimum = 1,
    MinimumExpanding = 3,
    Maximum = 4,
    Preferred = 5,
    Expanding = 7,
    Ignored = 13
} QSizePolicy::SizeType;
typedef Qt::Orientations QSizePolicy::ExpandData;

17.6.113. QtGui/qslider.h

class QSlider;
enum _ZN7QSlider12TickPositionE {
    NoTicks = 0,
    NoMarks = 0,
    TicksLeft = 1,
    Left = 1,
    Above = 1,
    TicksAbove = 1,
    TicksRight = 2,
    TicksBelow = 2,
    Below = 2,
    Right = 2,
    TicksBothSides = 3,
    Both = 3

17.6.114. QtGui/qsortfilterproxymodel.h

class QSortFilterProxyModel;

17.6.115. QtGui/qsound.h

class QSound;

17.6.116. QtGui/qspinbox.h

class QSpinBox;
class QDoubleSpinBox;

17.6.117. QtGui/qsplashscreen.h

class QSplashScreen;

17.6.118. QtGui/qsplitter.h

class QSplitter;
enum _ZN9QSplitter10ResizeModeE {
    Stretch = 0,
    KeepSize = 1,
    FollowSizeHint = 2,
    Auto = 3
class QSplitterHandle;

17.6.119. QtGui/qstackedlayout.h

class QStackedLayout;

17.6.120. QtGui/qstackedwidget.h

class QStackedWidget;

17.6.121. QtGui/qstandarditemmodel.h

class QStandardItemModel;

17.6.122. QtGui/qstatusbar.h

class QStatusBar;

17.6.123. QtGui/qstringlistmodel.h

class QStringListModel;

17.6.124. QtGui/qstyle.h

class QStyle;
enum _ZN6QStyle9StateFlagE {
    State_None = 0,
    State_Default = 0,
    State_Enabled = 1,
    State_Raised = 2,
    State_Sunken = 4,
    State_Off = 8,
    State_NoChange = 16,
    State_On = 32,
    State_DownArrow = 64,
    State_Horizontal = 128,
    State_HasFocus = 256,
    State_Top = 512,
    State_Bottom = 1024,
    State_FocusAtBorder = 2048,
    State_AutoRaise = 4096,
    State_MouseOver = 8192,
    State_UpArrow = 16384,
    State_Selected = 32768,
    State_Active = 65536,
    State_Open = 262144,
    State_Children = 524288,
    State_Item = 1048576,
    State_Sibling = 2097152,
    State_Editing = 4194304,
    State_KeyboardFocusChange = 8388608,
    State_ReadOnly = 33554432
class QFlags < QStyle::StateFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyle::StateFlag > QStyle::State;
typedef QStyle::State QStyle::SFlags;
enum _ZN6QStyle16PrimitiveElementE {
    PE_Q3CheckListController = 0,
    PE_Q3CheckListExclusiveIndicator = 1,
    PE_Q3CheckListIndicator = 2,
    PE_Q3DockWindowSeparator = 3,
    PE_Q3Separator = 4,
    PE_Frame = 5,
    PE_FrameDefaultButton = 6,
    PE_FrameDockWidget = 7,
    PE_FrameFocusRect = 8,
    PE_FrameGroupBox = 9,
    PE_FrameLineEdit = 10,
    PE_FrameMenu = 11,
    PE_FrameStatusBar = 12,
    PE_FrameTabWidget = 13,
    PE_FrameWindow = 14,
    PE_FrameButtonBevel = 15,
    PE_FrameButtonTool = 16,
    PE_FrameTabBarBase = 17,
    PE_PanelButtonCommand = 18,
    PE_PanelButtonBevel = 19,
    PE_PanelButtonTool = 20,
    PE_PanelMenuBar = 21,
    PE_PanelToolBar = 22,
    PE_PanelLineEdit = 23,
    PE_IndicatorArrowDown = 24,
    PE_IndicatorArrowLeft = 25,
    PE_IndicatorArrowRight = 26,
    PE_IndicatorArrowUp = 27,
    PE_IndicatorBranch = 28,
    PE_IndicatorButtonDropDown = 29,
    PE_IndicatorViewItemCheck = 30,
    PE_IndicatorCheckBox = 31,
    PE_IndicatorDockWidgetResizeHandle = 32,
    PE_IndicatorHeaderArrow = 33,
    PE_IndicatorMenuCheckMark = 34,
    PE_IndicatorProgressChunk = 35,
    PE_IndicatorRadioButton = 36,
    PE_IndicatorSpinDown = 37,
    PE_IndicatorSpinMinus = 38,
    PE_IndicatorSpinPlus = 39,
    PE_IndicatorSpinUp = 40,
    PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle = 41,
    PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator = 42,
    PE_PanelTipLabel = 43,
    PE_IndicatorTabTear = 44,
    PE_CustomBase = 251658240
enum _ZN6QStyle14ControlElementE {
    CE_CustomBase = -268435456,
    CE_PushButton = 0,
    CE_PushButtonBevel = 1,
    CE_PushButtonLabel = 2,
    CE_CheckBox = 3,
    CE_CheckBoxLabel = 4,
    CE_RadioButton = 5,
    CE_RadioButtonLabel = 6,
    CE_TabBarTab = 7,
    CE_TabBarTabShape = 8,
    CE_TabBarTabLabel = 9,
    CE_ProgressBar = 10,
    CE_ProgressBarGroove = 11,
    CE_ProgressBarContents = 12,
    CE_ProgressBarLabel = 13,
    CE_MenuItem = 14,
    CE_MenuScroller = 15,
    CE_MenuVMargin = 16,
    CE_MenuHMargin = 17,
    CE_MenuTearoff = 18,
    CE_MenuEmptyArea = 19,
    CE_MenuBarItem = 20,
    CE_MenuBarEmptyArea = 21,
    CE_ToolButtonLabel = 22,
    CE_Header = 23,
    CE_HeaderSection = 24,
    CE_HeaderLabel = 25,
    CE_Q3DockWindowEmptyArea = 26,
    CE_ToolBoxTab = 27,
    CE_SizeGrip = 28,
    CE_Splitter = 29,
    CE_RubberBand = 30,
    CE_DockWidgetTitle = 31,
    CE_ScrollBarAddLine = 32,
    CE_ScrollBarSubLine = 33,
    CE_ScrollBarAddPage = 34,
    CE_ScrollBarSubPage = 35,
    CE_ScrollBarSlider = 36,
    CE_ScrollBarFirst = 37,
    CE_ScrollBarLast = 38,
    CE_FocusFrame = 39,
    CE_ComboBoxLabel = 40,
    CE_ToolBar = 41
enum _ZN6QStyle10SubElementE {
    SE_CustomBase = -268435456,
    SE_PushButtonContents = 0,
    SE_PushButtonFocusRect = 1,
    SE_CheckBoxIndicator = 2,
    SE_CheckBoxContents = 3,
    SE_CheckBoxFocusRect = 4,
    SE_CheckBoxClickRect = 5,
    SE_RadioButtonIndicator = 6,
    SE_RadioButtonContents = 7,
    SE_RadioButtonFocusRect = 8,
    SE_RadioButtonClickRect = 9,
    SE_ComboBoxFocusRect = 10,
    SE_SliderFocusRect = 11,
    SE_Q3DockWindowHandleRect = 12,
    SE_ProgressBarGroove = 13,
    SE_ProgressBarContents = 14,
    SE_ProgressBarLabel = 15,
    SE_DialogButtonAccept = 16,
    SE_DialogButtonReject = 17,
    SE_DialogButtonApply = 18,
    SE_DialogButtonHelp = 19,
    SE_DialogButtonAll = 20,
    SE_DialogButtonAbort = 21,
    SE_DialogButtonIgnore = 22,
    SE_DialogButtonRetry = 23,
    SE_DialogButtonCustom = 24,
    SE_ToolBoxTabContents = 25,
    SE_HeaderLabel = 26,
    SE_HeaderArrow = 27,
    SE_TabWidgetTabBar = 28,
    SE_TabWidgetTabPane = 29,
    SE_TabWidgetTabContents = 30,
    SE_TabWidgetLeftCorner = 31,
    SE_TabWidgetRightCorner = 32,
    SE_ViewItemCheckIndicator = 33,
    SE_TabBarTearIndicator = 34,
    SE_TreeViewDisclosureItem = 35
enum _ZN6QStyle14ComplexControlE {
    CC_CustomBase = -268435456,
    CC_SpinBox = 0,
    CC_ComboBox = 1,
    CC_ScrollBar = 2,
    CC_Slider = 3,
    CC_ToolButton = 4,
    CC_TitleBar = 5,
    CC_Q3ListView = 6,
    CC_Dial = 7,
    CC_GroupBox = 8
enum _ZN6QStyle10SubControlE {
    SC_All = -1,
    SC_None = 0,
    SC_SliderGroove = 1,
    SC_ToolButton = 1,
    SC_ComboBoxFrame = 1,
    SC_TitleBarSysMenu = 1,
    SC_SpinBoxUp = 1,
    SC_ScrollBarAddLine = 1,
    SC_DialGroove = 1,
    SC_Q3ListView = 1,
    SC_GroupBoxCheckBox = 1,
    SC_Q3ListViewBranch = 2,
    SC_TitleBarMinButton = 2,
    SC_SpinBoxDown = 2,
    SC_DialHandle = 2,
    SC_SliderHandle = 2,
    SC_GroupBoxLabel = 2,
    SC_ToolButtonMenu = 2,
    SC_ScrollBarSubLine = 2,
    SC_ComboBoxEditField = 2,
    SC_GroupBoxContents = 4,
    SC_ScrollBarAddPage = 4,
    SC_Q3ListViewExpand = 4,
    SC_DialTickmarks = 4,
    SC_TitleBarMaxButton = 4,
    SC_SpinBoxFrame = 4,
    SC_ComboBoxArrow = 4,
    SC_SliderTickmarks = 4,
    SC_GroupBoxFrame = 8,
    SC_SpinBoxEditField = 8,
    SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup = 8,
    SC_ScrollBarSubPage = 8,
    SC_TitleBarCloseButton = 8,
    SC_ScrollBarFirst = 16,
    SC_TitleBarNormalButton = 16,
    SC_ScrollBarLast = 32,
    SC_TitleBarShadeButton = 32,
    SC_ScrollBarSlider = 64,
    SC_TitleBarUnshadeButton = 64,
    SC_ScrollBarGroove = 128,
    SC_TitleBarContextHelpButton = 128,
    SC_TitleBarLabel = 256
class QFlags < QStyle::SubControl >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyle::SubControl > QStyle::SubControls;
typedef QStyle::SubControls QStyle::SCFlags;
enum _ZN6QStyle11PixelMetricE {
    PM_CustomBase = -268435456,
    PM_ButtonMargin = 0,
    PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator = 1,
    PM_MenuButtonIndicator = 2,
    PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal = 3,
    PM_ButtonShiftVertical = 4,
    PM_DefaultFrameWidth = 5,
    PM_SpinBoxFrameWidth = 6,
    PM_ComboBoxFrameWidth = 7,
    PM_MaximumDragDistance = 8,
    PM_ScrollBarExtent = 9,
    PM_ScrollBarSliderMin = 10,
    PM_SliderThickness = 11,
    PM_SliderControlThickness = 12,
    PM_SliderLength = 13,
    PM_SliderTickmarkOffset = 14,
    PM_SliderSpaceAvailable = 15,
    PM_DockWidgetSeparatorExtent = 16,
    PM_DockWidgetHandleExtent = 17,
    PM_DockWidgetFrameWidth = 18,
    PM_TabBarTabOverlap = 19,
    PM_TabBarTabHSpace = 20,
    PM_TabBarTabVSpace = 21,
    PM_TabBarBaseHeight = 22,
    PM_TabBarBaseOverlap = 23,
    PM_ProgressBarChunkWidth = 24,
    PM_SplitterWidth = 25,
    PM_TitleBarHeight = 26,
    PM_MenuScrollerHeight = 27,
    PM_MenuHMargin = 28,
    PM_MenuVMargin = 29,
    PM_MenuPanelWidth = 30,
    PM_MenuTearoffHeight = 31,
    PM_MenuDesktopFrameWidth = 32,
    PM_MenuBarPanelWidth = 33,
    PM_MenuBarItemSpacing = 34,
    PM_MenuBarVMargin = 35,
    PM_MenuBarHMargin = 36,
    PM_IndicatorWidth = 37,
    PM_IndicatorHeight = 38,
    PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth = 39,
    PM_ExclusiveIndicatorHeight = 40,
    PM_CheckListButtonSize = 41,
    PM_CheckListControllerSize = 42,
    PM_DialogButtonsSeparator = 43,
    PM_DialogButtonsButtonWidth = 44,
    PM_DialogButtonsButtonHeight = 45,
    PM_MDIFrameWidth = 46,
    PM_MDIMinimizedWidth = 47,
    PM_HeaderMargin = 48,
    PM_HeaderMarkSize = 49,
    PM_HeaderGripMargin = 50,
    PM_TabBarTabShiftHorizontal = 51,
    PM_TabBarTabShiftVertical = 52,
    PM_TabBarScrollButtonWidth = 53,
    PM_ToolBarFrameWidth = 54,
    PM_ToolBarHandleExtent = 55,
    PM_ToolBarItemSpacing = 56,
    PM_ToolBarItemMargin = 57,
    PM_ToolBarSeparatorExtent = 58,
    PM_ToolBarExtensionExtent = 59,
    PM_SpinBoxSliderHeight = 60,
    PM_DefaultTopLevelMargin = 61,
    PM_DefaultChildMargin = 62,
    PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing = 63,
    PM_ToolBarIconSize = 64,
    PM_ListViewIconSize = 65,
    PM_IconViewIconSize = 66,
    PM_SmallIconSize = 67,
    PM_LargeIconSize = 68,
    PM_FocusFrameVMargin = 69,
    PM_FocusFrameHMargin = 70,
    PM_ToolTipLabelFrameWidth = 71,
    PM_CheckBoxLabelSpacing = 72,
    PM_TabBarIconSize = 73,
    PM_SizeGripSize = 74,
    PM_DockWidgetTitleMargin = 75
enum _ZN6QStyle12ContentsTypeE {
    CT_CustomBase = -268435456,
    CT_PushButton = 0,
    CT_CheckBox = 1,
    CT_RadioButton = 2,
    CT_ToolButton = 3,
    CT_ComboBox = 4,
    CT_Splitter = 5,
    CT_Q3DockWindow = 6,
    CT_ProgressBar = 7,
    CT_MenuItem = 8,
    CT_MenuBarItem = 9,
    CT_MenuBar = 10,
    CT_Menu = 11,
    CT_TabBarTab = 12,
    CT_Slider = 13,
    CT_ScrollBar = 14,
    CT_Q3Header = 15,
    CT_LineEdit = 16,
    CT_SpinBox = 17,
    CT_SizeGrip = 18,
    CT_TabWidget = 19,
    CT_DialogButtons = 20,
    CT_HeaderSection = 21,
    CT_GroupBox = 22
enum _ZN6QStyle9StyleHintE {
    SH_CustomBase = -268435456,
    SH_EtchDisabledText = 0,
    SH_DitherDisabledText = 1,
    SH_ScrollBar_MiddleClickAbsolutePosition = 2,
    SH_ScrollBar_ScrollWhenPointerLeavesControl = 3,
    SH_TabBar_SelectMouseType = 4,
    SH_TabBar_Alignment = 5,
    SH_Header_ArrowAlignment = 6,
    SH_Slider_SnapToValue = 7,
    SH_Slider_SloppyKeyEvents = 8,
    SH_ProgressDialog_CenterCancelButton = 9,
    SH_ProgressDialog_TextLabelAlignment = 10,
    SH_PrintDialog_RightAlignButtons = 11,
    SH_MainWindow_SpaceBelowMenuBar = 12,
    SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText = 13,
    SH_Menu_AllowActiveAndDisabled = 14,
    SH_Menu_SpaceActivatesItem = 15,
    SH_Menu_SubMenuPopupDelay = 16,
    SH_ScrollView_FrameOnlyAroundContents = 17,
    SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation = 18,
    SH_ComboBox_ListMouseTracking = 19,
    SH_Menu_MouseTracking = 20,
    SH_MenuBar_MouseTracking = 21,
    SH_ItemView_ChangeHighlightOnFocus = 22,
    SH_Widget_ShareActivation = 23,
    SH_Workspace_FillSpaceOnMaximize = 24,
    SH_ComboBox_Popup = 25,
    SH_TitleBar_NoBorder = 26,
    SH_ScrollBar_StopMouseOverSlider = 27,
    SH_BlinkCursorWhenTextSelected = 28,
    SH_RichText_FullWidthSelection = 29,
    SH_Menu_Scrollable = 30,
    SH_GroupBox_TextLabelVerticalAlignment = 31,
    SH_GroupBox_TextLabelColor = 32,
    SH_Menu_SloppySubMenus = 33,
    SH_Table_GridLineColor = 34,
    SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter = 35,
    SH_DialogButtons_DefaultButton = 36,
    SH_ToolBox_SelectedPageTitleBold = 37,
    SH_TabBar_PreferNoArrows = 38,
    SH_ScrollBar_LeftClickAbsolutePosition = 39,
    SH_Q3ListViewExpand_SelectMouseType = 40,
    SH_UnderlineShortcut = 41,
    SH_UnderlineAccelerator = 41,
    SH_SpinBox_AnimateButton = 42,
    SH_SpinBox_KeyPressAutoRepeatRate = 43,
    SH_SpinBox_ClickAutoRepeatRate = 44,
    SH_Menu_FillScreenWithScroll = 45,
    SH_ToolTipLabel_Opacity = 46,
    SH_DrawMenuBarSeparator = 47,
    SH_TitleBar_ModifyNotification = 48,
    SH_Button_FocusPolicy = 49,
    SH_MenuBar_DismissOnSecondClick = 50,
    SH_MessageBox_UseBorderForButtonSpacing = 51,
    SH_TitleBar_AutoRaise = 52,
    SH_ToolButton_PopupDelay = 53,
    SH_FocusFrame_Mask = 54,
    SH_RubberBand_Mask = 55,
    SH_WindowFrame_Mask = 56,
    SH_SpinControls_DisableOnBounds = 57,
    SH_Dial_BackgroundRole = 58,
    SH_ComboBox_LayoutDirection = 59,
    SH_ItemView_EllipsisLocation = 60,
    SH_ItemView_ShowDecorationSelected = 61,
    SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick = 62,
    SH_ScrollBar_ContextMenu = 63,
    SH_ScrollBar_RollBetweenButtons = 64,
    SH_GUIStyle = 256,
    SH_ScrollBar_BackgroundMode = 257
enum _ZN6QStyle14StandardPixmapE {
    SP_CustomBase = -268435456,
    SP_TitleBarMenuButton = 0,
    SP_TitleBarMinButton = 1,
    SP_TitleBarMaxButton = 2,
    SP_TitleBarCloseButton = 3,
    SP_TitleBarNormalButton = 4,
    SP_TitleBarShadeButton = 5,
    SP_TitleBarUnshadeButton = 6,
    SP_TitleBarContextHelpButton = 7,
    SP_DockWidgetCloseButton = 8,
    SP_MessageBoxInformation = 9,
    SP_MessageBoxWarning = 10,
    SP_MessageBoxCritical = 11,
    SP_MessageBoxQuestion = 12,
    SP_DesktopIcon = 13,
    SP_TrashIcon = 14,
    SP_ComputerIcon = 15,
    SP_DriveFDIcon = 16,
    SP_DriveHDIcon = 17,
    SP_DriveCDIcon = 18,
    SP_DriveDVDIcon = 19,
    SP_DriveNetIcon = 20,
    SP_DirOpenIcon = 21,
    SP_DirClosedIcon = 22,
    SP_DirLinkIcon = 23,
    SP_FileIcon = 24,
    SP_FileLinkIcon = 25,
    SP_ToolBarHorizontalExtensionButton = 26,
    SP_ToolBarVerticalExtensionButton = 27,
    SP_FileDialogStart = 28,
    SP_FileDialogEnd = 29,
    SP_FileDialogToParent = 30,
    SP_FileDialogNewFolder = 31,
    SP_FileDialogDetailedView = 32,
    SP_FileDialogInfoView = 33,
    SP_FileDialogContentsView = 34,
    SP_FileDialogListView = 35,
    SP_FileDialogBack = 36

17.6.125. QtGui/qstylefactory.h

class QStyleFactory;

17.6.126. QtGui/qstyleoption.h

class QStyleOption;
enum _ZN12QStyleOption10OptionTypeE {
    SO_Default = 0,
    SO_FocusRect = 1,
    SO_Button = 2,
    SO_Tab = 3,
    SO_MenuItem = 4,
    SO_Frame = 5,
    SO_ProgressBar = 6,
    SO_ToolBox = 7,
    SO_Header = 8,
    SO_Q3DockWindow = 9,
    SO_DockWidget = 10,
    SO_Q3ListViewItem = 11,
    SO_ViewItem = 12,
    SO_TabWidgetFrame = 13,
    SO_TabBarBase = 14,
    SO_RubberBand = 15,
    SO_ToolBar = 16,
    SO_CustomBase = 3840,
    SO_Complex = 983040,
    SO_Slider = 983041,
    SO_SpinBox = 983042,
    SO_ToolButton = 983043,
    SO_ComboBox = 983044,
    SO_Q3ListView = 983045,
    SO_TitleBar = 983046,
    SO_GroupBox = 983047,
    SO_ComplexCustomBase = 251658240
class QStyleOptionFocusRect;
class QStyleOptionFrame;
class QStyleOptionFrameV2;
enum _ZN19QStyleOptionFrameV212FrameFeatureE {
    None = 0,
    Flat = 1
class QFlags < QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionFrameV2::FrameFeature >
class QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame;
class QStyleOptionTabBarBase;
class QStyleOptionHeader;
enum _ZN18QStyleOptionHeader15SectionPositionE {
    Beginning = 0,
    Middle = 1,
    End = 2,
    OnlyOneSection = 3
enum _ZN18QStyleOptionHeader16SelectedPositionE {
    NotAdjacent = 0,
    NextIsSelected = 1,
    PreviousIsSelected = 2,
    NextAndPreviousAreSelected = 3
enum _ZN18QStyleOptionHeader13SortIndicatorE {
    None = 0,
    SortUp = 1,
    SortDown = 2
class QStyleOptionButton;
enum _ZN18QStyleOptionButton13ButtonFeatureE {
    None = 0,
    Flat = 1,
    HasMenu = 2,
    DefaultButton = 4,
    AutoDefaultButton = 8
class QFlags < QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionButton::ButtonFeature >
class QStyleOptionTab;
enum _ZN15QStyleOptionTab11TabPositionE {
    Beginning = 0,
    Middle = 1,
    End = 2,
    OnlyOneTab = 3
enum _ZN15QStyleOptionTab16SelectedPositionE {
    NotAdjacent = 0,
    NextIsSelected = 1,
    PreviousIsSelected = 2
enum _ZN15QStyleOptionTab12CornerWidgetE {
    NoCornerWidgets = 0,
    LeftCornerWidget = 1,
    RightCornerWidget = 2
class QFlags < QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidget >
class QStyleOptionTabV2;
class QStyleOptionToolBar;
enum _ZN19QStyleOptionToolBar15ToolBarPositionE {
    Beginning = 0,
    Middle = 1,
    End = 2,
    OnlyOne = 3
enum _ZN19QStyleOptionToolBar14ToolBarFeatureE {
    None = 0,
    Movable = 1
class QFlags < QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionToolBar::ToolBarFeature >
class QStyleOptionProgressBar;
class QStyleOptionProgressBarV2;
class QStyleOptionMenuItem;
enum _ZN20QStyleOptionMenuItem12MenuItemTypeE {
    Normal = 0,
    DefaultItem = 1,
    Separator = 2,
    SubMenu = 3,
    Scroller = 4,
    TearOff = 5,
    Margin = 6,
    EmptyArea = 7
enum _ZN20QStyleOptionMenuItem9CheckTypeE {
    NotCheckable = 0,
    Exclusive = 1,
    NonExclusive = 2
class QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem;
enum _ZN26QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem21Q3ListViewItemFeatureE {
    None = 0,
    Expandable = 1,
    MultiLine = 2,
    Visible = 4,
    ParentControl = 8
class QFlags < QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem::Q3ListViewItemFeature >
class QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow;
class QStyleOptionDockWidget;
class QStyleOptionViewItem;
enum _ZN20QStyleOptionViewItem8PositionE {
    Left = 0,
    Right = 1,
    Top = 2,
    Bottom = 3
class QStyleOptionToolBox;
class QStyleOptionRubberBand;
class QStyleOptionComplex;
class QStyleOptionSlider;
class QStyleOptionSpinBox;
class QStyleOptionQ3ListView;
class QStyleOptionToolButton;
enum _ZN22QStyleOptionToolButton17ToolButtonFeatureE {
    None = 0,
    Arrow = 1,
    Menu = 4,
    PopupDelay = 8
class QFlags < QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature >;
typedef class QFlags < QStyleOptionToolButton::ToolButtonFeature >
class QStyleOptionComboBox;
class QStyleOptionTitleBar;
class QStyleOptionGroupBox;
class QStyleHintReturn;
enum _ZN16QStyleHintReturn14HintReturnTypeE {
    SH_Default = 61440,
    SH_Mask = 61441
class QStyleHintReturnMask;

17.6.127. QtGui/qstylepainter.h

class QStylePainter;

17.6.128. QtGui/qstyleplugin.h

struct QStyleFactoryInterface;
class QStylePlugin;

17.6.129. QtGui/qsyntaxhighlighter.h

class QSyntaxHighlighter;

17.6.130. QtGui/qtabbar.h

class QTabBar;
enum _ZN7QTabBar5ShapeE {
    RoundedNorth = 0,
    RoundedAbove = 0,
    RoundedSouth = 1,
    RoundedBelow = 1,
    RoundedWest = 2,
    RoundedEast = 3,
    TriangularNorth = 4,
    TriangularAbove = 4,
    TriangularBelow = 5,
    TriangularSouth = 5,
    TriangularWest = 6,
    TriangularEast = 7

17.6.131. QtGui/qtableview.h

class QTableView;

17.6.132. QtGui/qtablewidget.h

class QTableWidgetSelectionRange;
class QTableWidgetItem;
class QTableWidget;

17.6.133. QtGui/qtabwidget.h

class QTabWidget;
enum _ZN10QTabWidget11TabPositionE {
    North = 0,
    Top = 0,
    South = 1,
    Bottom = 1,
    West = 2,
    East = 3
enum _ZN10QTabWidget8TabShapeE {
    Rounded = 0,
    Triangular = 1

17.6.134. QtGui/qtextbrowser.h

class QTextBrowser;

17.6.135. QtGui/qtextcursor.h

class QTextCursor;
enum _ZN11QTextCursor8MoveModeE {
    MoveAnchor = 0,
    KeepAnchor = 1
enum _ZN11QTextCursor13MoveOperationE {
    NoMove = 0,
    Start = 1,
    Up = 2,
    StartOfLine = 3,
    StartOfBlock = 4,
    StartOfWord = 5,
    PreviousBlock = 6,
    PreviousCharacter = 7,
    PreviousWord = 8,
    Left = 9,
    WordLeft = 10,
    End = 11,
    Down = 12,
    EndOfLine = 13,
    EndOfWord = 14,
    EndOfBlock = 15,
    NextBlock = 16,
    NextCharacter = 17,
    NextWord = 18,
    Right = 19,
    WordRight = 20
enum _ZN11QTextCursor13SelectionTypeE {
    WordUnderCursor = 0,
    LineUnderCursor = 1,
    BlockUnderCursor = 2

17.6.136. QtGui/qtextdocument.h

enum _ZN2Qt15HitTestAccuracyE {
    ExactHit = 0,
    FuzzyHit = 1
enum _ZN2Qt14WhiteSpaceModeE {
    WhiteSpaceModeUndefined = -1,
    WhiteSpaceNormal = 0,
    WhiteSpacePre = 1,
    WhiteSpaceNoWrap = 2
class QAbstractUndoItem;
class QTextDocument;
enum _ZN13QTextDocument15MetaInformationE {
    DocumentTitle = 0
enum _ZN13QTextDocument8FindFlagE {
    FindBackward = 1,
    FindCaseSensitively = 2,
    FindWholeWords = 4
class QFlags < QTextDocument::FindFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QTextDocument::FindFlag > QTextDocument::FindFlags;
enum _ZN13QTextDocument12ResourceTypeE {
    HtmlResource = 1,
    ImageResource = 2,
    UserResource = 100

17.6.137. QtGui/qtextdocumentfragment.h

class QTextDocumentFragment;

17.6.138. QtGui/qtextedit.h

class QTextEdit;
enum _ZN9QTextEdit12LineWrapModeE {
    NoWrap = 0,
    WidgetWidth = 1,
    FixedPixelWidth = 2,
    FixedColumnWidth = 3
enum _ZN9QTextEdit18AutoFormattingFlagE {
    AutoAll = -1,
    AutoNone = 0,
    AutoBulletList = 1
class QFlags < QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QTextEdit::AutoFormattingFlag >
enum _ZN9QTextEdit12CursorActionE {
    MoveBackward = 0,
    MoveForward = 1,
    MoveWordBackward = 2,
    MoveWordForward = 3,
    MoveUp = 4,
    MoveDown = 5,
    MoveLineStart = 6,
    MoveLineEnd = 7,
    MoveHome = 8,
    MoveEnd = 9,
    MovePageUp = 10,
    MovePgUp = 10,
    MovePageDown = 11,
    MovePgDown = 11
enum _ZN9QTextEdit14KeyboardActionE {
    ActionBackspace = 0,
    ActionDelete = 1,
    ActionReturn = 2,
    ActionKill = 3,
    ActionWordBackspace = 4,
    ActionWordDelete = 5

17.6.139. QtGui/qtextformat.h

class QTextLength;
enum _ZN11QTextLength4TypeE {
    VariableLength = 0,
    FixedLength = 1,
    PercentageLength = 2
class QTextFormat;
enum _ZN11QTextFormat10FormatTypeE {
    InvalidFormat = -1,
    BlockFormat = 1,
    CharFormat = 2,
    ListFormat = 3,
    TableFormat = 4,
    FrameFormat = 5,
    UserFormat = 100
enum _ZN11QTextFormat8PropertyE {
    ObjectIndex = 0,
    CssFloat = 2048,
    LayoutDirection = 2049,
    OutlinePen = 2064,
    BackgroundBrush = 2080,
    ForegroundBrush = 2081,
    BlockAlignment = 4112,
    BlockTopMargin = 4144,
    BlockBottomMargin = 4145,
    BlockLeftMargin = 4146,
    BlockRightMargin = 4147,
    TextIndent = 4148,
    BlockIndent = 4160,
    BlockNonBreakableLines = 4176,
    BlockTrailingHorizontalRulerWidth = 4192,
    FontFamily = 8192,
    FontPointSize = 8193,
    FontSizeAdjustment = 8194,
    FontSizeIncrement = 8194,
    FontWeight = 8195,
    FontItalic = 8196,
    FontUnderline = 8197,
    FontOverline = 8198,
    FontStrikeOut = 8199,
    FontFixedPitch = 8200,
    FontPixelSize = 8201,
    TextUnderlineColor = 8208,
    TextVerticalAlignment = 8225,
    TextOutline = 8226,
    IsAnchor = 8240,
    AnchorHref = 8241,
    AnchorName = 8242,
    ObjectType = 12032,
    ListStyle = 12288,
    ListIndent = 12289,
    FrameBorder = 16384,
    FrameMargin = 16385,
    FramePadding = 16386,
    FrameWidth = 16387,
    FrameHeight = 16388,
    TableColumns = 16640,
    TableColumnWidthConstraints = 16641,
    TableCellSpacing = 16642,
    TableCellPadding = 16643,
    TableCellRowSpan = 18448,
    TableCellColumnSpan = 18449,
    ImageName = 20480,
    ImageWidth = 20496,
    ImageHeight = 20497,
    UserProperty = 1048576
enum _ZN11QTextFormat11ObjectTypesE {
    NoObject = 0,
    ImageObject = 1,
    TableObject = 2,
    UserObject = 4096
class QTextCharFormat;
enum _ZN15QTextCharFormat17VerticalAlignmentE {
    AlignNormal = 0,
    AlignSuperScript = 1,
    AlignSubScript = 2
class QTextBlockFormat;
class QTextListFormat;
enum _ZN15QTextListFormat5StyleE {
    ListUpperAlpha = -6,
    ListLowerAlpha = -5,
    ListDecimal = -4,
    ListSquare = -3,
    ListCircle = -2,
    ListDisc = -1,
    ListStyleUndefined = 0
class QTextImageFormat;
class QTextFrameFormat;
enum _ZN16QTextFrameFormat8PositionE {
    InFlow = 0,
    FloatLeft = 1,
    FloatRight = 2
class QTextTableFormat;

17.6.140. QtGui/qtextlayout.h

class QTextInlineObject;
class QTextLayout;
struct QTextLayout::FormatRange;
enum _ZN11QTextLayout10CursorModeE {
    SkipCharacters = 0,
    SkipWords = 1
class QTextLine;
enum _ZN9QTextLine4EdgeE {
    Leading = 0,
    Trailing = 1
enum _ZN9QTextLine14CursorPositionE {
    CursorBetweenCharacters = 0,
    CursorOnCharacter = 1

17.6.141. QtGui/qtextlist.h

class QTextList;

17.6.142. QtGui/qtextobject.h

class QTextObject;
class QTextBlockGroup;
class QTextFrameLayoutData;
class QTextFrame;
class QTextFrame::iterator;
typedef class QTextFrame::iteratorQTextFrame::Iterator;
class QTextBlockUserData;
class QTextBlock;
class QTextBlock::iterator;
typedef class QTextBlock::iteratorQTextBlock::Iterator;
class QTextFragment;

17.6.143. QtGui/qtextoption.h

class QTextOption;
enum _ZN11QTextOption8WrapModeE {
    NoWrap = 0,
    WordWrap = 1,
    ManualWrap = 2,
    WrapAnywhere = 3,
    WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere = 4
enum _ZN11QTextOption4FlagE {
    IncludeTrailingSpaces = -2147483648
class QFlags < QTextOption::Flag >;
typedef class QFlags < QTextOption::Flag > QTextOption::Flags;

17.6.144. QtGui/qtexttable.h

class QTextTableCell;
class QTextTable;

17.6.145. QtGui/qtoolbar.h

class QToolBar;

17.6.146. QtGui/qtoolbox.h

class QToolBox;

17.6.147. QtGui/qtoolbutton.h

class QToolButton;
enum _ZN11QToolButton19ToolButtonPopupModeE {
    DelayedPopup = 0,
    MenuButtonPopup = 1,
    InstantPopup = 2
enum _ZN11QToolButton12TextPositionE {
    BesideIcon = 0,
    Right = 0,
    BelowIcon = 1,
    Under = 1

17.6.148. QtGui/qtooltip.h

class QToolTip;

17.6.149. QtGui/qtreeview.h

class QTreeView;

17.6.150. QtGui/qtreewidget.h

class QTreeWidgetItem;
class QTreeWidget;

17.6.151. QtGui/qtreewidgetitemiterator.h

class QTreeWidgetItemIterator;
enum _ZN23QTreeWidgetItemIterator12IteratorFlagE {
    All = 0,
    Hidden = 1,
    NotHidden = 2,
    Selected = 4,
    Unselected = 8,
    Selectable = 16,
    NotSelectable = 32,
    DragEnabled = 64,
    DragDisabled = 128,
    DropEnabled = 256,
    DropDisabled = 512,
    HasChildren = 1024,
    NoChildren = 2048,
    Checked = 4096,
    NotChecked = 8192,
    Enabled = 16384,
    Disabled = 32768,
    Editable = 65536,
    NotEditable = 131072,
    UserFlag = 16777216
class QFlags < QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag >;
typedef class QFlags < QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlag >

17.6.152. QtGui/qvalidator.h

class QValidator;
enum _ZN10QValidator5StateE {
    Invalid = 0,
    Intermediate = 1,
    Valid = 1,
    Acceptable = 2
class QIntValidator;
class QDoubleValidator;
class QRegExpValidator;

17.6.153. QtGui/qvfbhdr.h

struct QVFbHeader;
struct QVFbKeyData;

17.6.154. QtGui/qwhatsthis.h

class QWhatsThis;

17.6.155. QtGui/qwidget.h

class QWidgetData;
class QWidget;
enum _ZN7QWidget16BackgroundOriginE {
    WidgetOrigin = 0,
    ParentOrigin = 1,
    WindowOrigin = 2,
    AncestorOrigin = 3

17.6.156. QtGui/qwindowdefs.h

typedef class QList < QWidget * >QWidgetList;
typedef unsigned long int WId;

17.6.157. QtGui/qwindowsstyle.h

class QWindowsStyle;

17.6.158. QtGui/qwmatrix.h

typedef class QMatrixQWMatrix;

17.6.159. QtGui/qworkspace.h

class QWorkspace;
enum _ZN10QWorkspace11WindowOrderE {
    CreationOrder = 0,
    StackingOrder = 1