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Table 7-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libQtCore library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[CXXABI-1.86] Itanium™ C++ ABI |
[LSB] This Specification |
[QtCore] QtCore 4.2.0 |
The virtual table for the QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The virtual table for the QTimeLine class is described in the generic part of this specification.
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the architecture specific functions for Qt4 Core Functions specified in Table 7-2, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 7-2. libQtCore - Qt4 Core Functions Function Interfaces
_Z10qvsnprintfPcmPKcPv [QtCore] | _Z7qMallocm [LSB] |
_Z7qMemSetPvim [LSB] | _Z8qMemCopyPvPKvm [LSB] |
_Z8qReallocPvm [LSB] | _Z9qsnprintfPcmPKcz [QtCore] |
_ZThn16_N16QTextCodecPlugin6createERK7QString [CXXABI-1.86] | _ZThn16_NK16QTextCodecPlugin4keysEv [CXXABI-1.86] |
The virtual table for the QAbstractItemModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractItemModel class is described by Table 7-3
The virtual table for the QAbstractTableModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractTableModel class is described by Table 7-4
The virtual table for the QAbstractListModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractListModel class is described by Table 7-5
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Models in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QTextCodec class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTextCodec class is described by Table 7-6
The virtual table for the QTextCodecFactoryInterface class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTextCodecFactoryInterface class is described by Table 7-7
The virtual table for the QTranslator class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTranslator class is described by Table 7-8
The virtual table for the QSystemLocale class is described in the generic part of this specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Internationalization in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QMimeData class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QMimeData class is described by Table 7-9
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Containers in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QEventLoop class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QEventLoop class is described by Table 7-10
The virtual table for the QEvent class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QEvent class is described by Table 7-11
The virtual table for the QTimerEvent class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTimerEvent class is described by Table 7-12
The virtual table for the QChildEvent class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QChildEvent class is described by Table 7-13
The virtual table for the QCustomEvent class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QCustomEvent class is described by Table 7-14
The virtual table for the QAbstractEventDispatcher class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractEventDispatcher class is described by Table 7-15
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Events in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Arrays in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QTextCodecPlugin class is described by Table 7-16
Table 7-16. Primary vtable for QTextCodecPlugin
Base Offset | 0 |
Virtual Base Offset | 0 |
RTTI | typeinfo for QTextCodecPlugin |
vfunc[0]: | QTextCodecPlugin::metaObject() const |
vfunc[1]: | QTextCodecPlugin::qt_metacast(char const*) |
vfunc[2]: | QTextCodecPlugin::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) |
vfunc[3]: | QTextCodecPlugin::~QTextCodecPlugin() |
vfunc[4]: | QTextCodecPlugin::~QTextCodecPlugin() |
vfunc[5]: | QObject::event(QEvent*) |
vfunc[6]: | QObject::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*) |
vfunc[7]: | QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) |
vfunc[8]: | QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent*) |
vfunc[9]: | QObject::customEvent(QEvent*) |
vfunc[10]: | QObject::connectNotify(char const*) |
vfunc[11]: | QObject::disconnectNotify(char const*) |
vfunc[12]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[13]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[14]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[15]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[16]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[17]: | QTextCodecPlugin::keys() const |
vfunc[18]: | QTextCodecPlugin::create(QString const&) |
Table 7-17. Secondary vtable for QTextCodecPlugin
Base Offset | -16 |
Virtual Base Offset | 0 |
RTTI | typeinfo for QTextCodecPlugin |
vfunc[0]: | non-virtual thunk to QTextCodecPlugin::~QTextCodecPlugin() |
vfunc[1]: | non-virtual thunk to QTextCodecPlugin::~QTextCodecPlugin() |
vfunc[2]: | non-virtual thunk to QTextCodecPlugin::keys() const |
vfunc[3]: | non-virtual thunk to QTextCodecPlugin::create(QString const&) |
The Run Time Type Information for the QTextCodecPlugin class is described by Table 7-18
The virtual table for the QPluginLoader class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QPluginLoader class is described by Table 7-19
The virtual table for the QLibrary class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QLibrary class is described by Table 7-20
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the architecture specific functions for Qt4 Plugins specified in Table 7-21, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 7-21. libQtCore - Qt4 Plugins Function Interfaces
_ZThn16_N16QTextCodecPluginD0Ev [CXXABI-1.86] | _ZThn16_N16QTextCodecPluginD1Ev [CXXABI-1.86] |
The virtual table for the QTimer class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTimer class is described by Table 7-22
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Date and Time in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QFactoryInterface class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QFactoryInterface class is described by Table 7-23
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Miscellaneous in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Text in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QIODevice class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QIODevice class is described by Table 7-24
The virtual table for the QDataStream class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QDataStream class is described by Table 7-25
The virtual table for the QTextStream class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTextStream class is described by Table 7-26
The virtual table for the QFile class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QFile class is described by Table 7-27
The virtual table for the QTemporaryFile class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QTemporaryFile class is described by Table 7-28
The virtual table for the QAbstractFileEngine class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractFileEngine class is described by Table 7-29
The virtual table for the QAbstractFileEngineHandler class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QAbstractFileEngineHandler class is described by Table 7-30
The virtual table for the QFSFileEngine class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QFSFileEngine class is described by Table 7-31
The virtual table for the QProcess class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QProcess class is described by Table 7-32
The virtual table for the QBuffer class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QBuffer class is described by Table 7-33
The virtual table for the QSettings class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSettings class is described by Table 7-34
The virtual table for the QSignalMapper class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSignalMapper class is described by Table 7-35
The virtual table for the QSocketNotifier class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSocketNotifier class is described by Table 7-36
The virtual table for the QFileSystemWatcher class is described in the generic part of this specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Input/Output in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QCoreApplication class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QCoreApplication class is described by Table 7-37
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Core Application in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QObject class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QObject class is described by Table 7-38
The virtual table for the QObjectUserData class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QObjectUserData class is described by Table 7-39
The virtual table for the QObjectCleanupHandler class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QObjectCleanupHandler class is described by Table 7-40
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Object Model in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
The virtual table for the QThread class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QThread class is described by Table 7-41
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Threading in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 2D Graphics in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
No external functions are defined for libQtCore - Qt4 Internals in this part of the specification. See also the generic specification.
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