Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification for Itanium™ | ||
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Table 7-429 defines the library name and shared object name for the libQtSql library
The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:
[CXXABI-1.86] Itanium™ C++ ABI |
The virtual table for the QSqlResult class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlResult class is described by Table 7-430
The virtual table for the QSqlDriverFactoryInterface class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlDriverFactoryInterface class is described by Table 7-431
The virtual table for the QSqlDriverPlugin class is described by Table 7-432
Table 7-432. Primary vtable for QSqlDriverPlugin
Base Offset | 0 |
Virtual Base Offset | 0 |
RTTI | typeinfo for QSqlDriverPlugin |
vfunc[0]: | QSqlDriverPlugin::metaObject() const |
vfunc[1]: | QSqlDriverPlugin::qt_metacast(char const*) |
vfunc[2]: | QSqlDriverPlugin::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) |
vfunc[3]: | QSqlDriverPlugin::~QSqlDriverPlugin() |
vfunc[4]: | QSqlDriverPlugin::~QSqlDriverPlugin() |
vfunc[5]: | QObject::event(QEvent*) |
vfunc[6]: | QObject::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*) |
vfunc[7]: | QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) |
vfunc[8]: | QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent*) |
vfunc[9]: | QObject::customEvent(QEvent*) |
vfunc[10]: | QObject::connectNotify(char const*) |
vfunc[11]: | QObject::disconnectNotify(char const*) |
vfunc[12]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[13]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
Table 7-433. Secondary vtable for QSqlDriverPlugin
Base Offset | -16 |
Virtual Base Offset | 0 |
RTTI | typeinfo for QSqlDriverPlugin |
vfunc[0]: | non-virtual thunk to QSqlDriverPlugin::~QSqlDriverPlugin() |
vfunc[1]: | non-virtual thunk to QSqlDriverPlugin::~QSqlDriverPlugin() |
vfunc[2]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
vfunc[3]: | __cxa_pure_virtual |
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlDriverPlugin class is described by Table 7-434
The virtual table for the QSqlDriver class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlDriver class is described by Table 7-435
The virtual table for the QSqlQueryModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlQueryModel class is described by Table 7-436
The virtual table for the QSqlTableModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlTableModel class is described by Table 7-437
The virtual table for the QSqlRelationalTableModel class is described in the generic part of this specification.
The Run Time Type Information for the QSqlRelationalTableModel class is described by Table 7-438
An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the architecture specific functions for Qt4 SQL specified in Table 7-439, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.
Table 7-439. libQtSql - Qt4 SQL Function Interfaces
_ZThn16_N16QSqlDriverPluginD0Ev [CXXABI-1.86] | _ZThn16_N16QSqlDriverPluginD1Ev [CXXABI-1.86] |
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