17.2. Interfaces for libglib-2.0

Table 17-1 defines the library name and shared object name for the libglib-2.0 library

Table 17-1. libglib-2.0 Definition


The behavior of the interfaces in this library is specified by the following specifications:

[Glib 2.32] Glib 2.32 Reference Manual
[Gobject 2.32] Gobject 2.32 Reference Manual
[LSB] This Specification

17.2.1. GTK General purpose utility library Interfaces for GTK General purpose utility library

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for GTK General purpose utility library specified in Table 17-2, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-2. libglib-2.0 - GTK General purpose utility library Function Interfaces

g_array_get_element_size [Glib 2.32]g_array_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_array_set_clear_func [Glib 2.32]g_array_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_assert_warning [Glib 2.32]g_assertion_message [LSB]
g_assertion_message_cmpnum [LSB]g_assertion_message_cmpstr [LSB]
g_assertion_message_error [LSB]g_assertion_message_expr [LSB]
g_async_queue_new_full [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_ref_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_timeout_pop [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_timeout_pop_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_unref_and_unlock [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_int_and [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_int_dec_and_test [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_int_get [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_int_inc [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_int_or [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_int_set [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_int_xor [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_pointer_add [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_pointer_and [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_pointer_get [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_pointer_or [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_pointer_set [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_pointer_xor [Glib 2.32]
g_basename [Glib 2.32]g_bit_lock [Glib 2.32]
g_bit_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_bit_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_free_to_bytes [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_new_take [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_ref [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_compare [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_equal [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_get_data [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_get_size [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_hash [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_new [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_new_from_bytes [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_new_static [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_new_take [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_new_with_free_func [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_ref [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_bytes_unref_to_array [Glib 2.32]g_bytes_unref_to_data [Glib 2.32]
g_checksum_copy [Glib 2.32]g_checksum_free [Glib 2.32]
g_checksum_get_digest [Glib 2.32]g_checksum_get_string [Glib 2.32]
g_checksum_new [Glib 2.32]g_checksum_reset [Glib 2.32]
g_checksum_type_get_length [Glib 2.32]g_checksum_update [Glib 2.32]
g_compute_checksum_for_data [Glib 2.32]g_compute_checksum_for_string [Glib 2.32]
g_compute_hmac_for_data [Glib 2.32]g_compute_hmac_for_string [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_broadcast [Glib 2.32]g_cond_clear [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_free [Glib 2.32]g_cond_init [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_new [Glib 2.32]g_cond_signal [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_timed_wait [Glib 2.32]g_cond_wait [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_wait_until [Glib 2.32]g_datalist_get_data [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_add [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_add_days [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_add_full [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_add_hours [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_add_minutes [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_add_months [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_add_seconds [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_add_weeks [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_add_years [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_compare [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_difference [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_equal [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_format [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_day_of_month [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_day_of_week [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_day_of_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_hour [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_microsecond [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_minute [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_month [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_second [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_seconds [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_timezone_abbreviation [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_utc_offset [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_week_numbering_year [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_week_of_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_get_year [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_get_ymd [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_hash [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_is_daylight_savings [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_new [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_new_from_timeval_local [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_new_from_timeval_utc [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_new_from_unix_local [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_new_from_unix_utc [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_new_local [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_new_now [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_new_now_local [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_new_now_utc [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_new_utc [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_ref [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_to_local [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_to_timeval [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_to_timezone [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_to_unix [Glib 2.32]g_date_time_to_utc [Glib 2.32]
g_date_time_unref [Glib 2.32]g_dcgettext [Glib 2.32]
g_dgettext [Glib 2.32]g_dir_make_tmp [Glib 2.32]
g_dngettext [Glib 2.32]g_double_equal [Glib 2.32]
g_double_hash [Glib 2.32]g_dpgettext [Glib 2.32]
g_dpgettext2 [Glib 2.32]g_environ_getenv [Glib 2.32]
g_environ_setenv [Glib 2.32]g_environ_unsetenv [Glib 2.32]
g_error_new_valist [Glib 2.32]g_format_size [Glib 2.32]
g_format_size_for_display [Glib 2.32]g_format_size_full [Glib 2.32]
g_get_codeset [Glib 2.32]g_get_environ [Glib 2.32]
g_get_locale_variants [Glib 2.32]g_get_monotonic_time [Glib 2.32]
g_get_real_time [Glib 2.32]g_get_user_runtime_dir [Glib 2.32]
g_get_user_special_dir [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_add [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_contains [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_get_keys [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_get_values [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_iter_get_hash_table [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_iter_init [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_iter_next [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_iter_remove [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_iter_replace [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_iter_steal [Glib 2.32]g_hmac_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_hmac_get_digest [Glib 2.32]g_hmac_get_string [Glib 2.32]
g_hmac_new [Glib 2.32]g_hmac_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_hmac_unref [Glib 2.32]g_hmac_update [Glib 2.32]
g_hostname_is_ascii_encoded [Glib 2.32]g_hostname_is_ip_address [Glib 2.32]
g_hostname_is_non_ascii [Glib 2.32]g_hostname_to_ascii [Glib 2.32]
g_hostname_to_unicode [Glib 2.32]g_int64_equal [Glib 2.32]
g_int64_hash [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_close [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_read [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_seek [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_write [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_int64 [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_uint64 [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_load_from_dirs [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_ref [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_int64 [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_uint64 [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_list_free_full [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_get_thread_default [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_invoke [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_invoke_full [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_pop_thread_default [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_push_thread_default [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_ref_thread_default [Glib 2.32]g_malloc0_n [Glib 2.32]
g_malloc_n [Glib 2.32]g_mapped_file_new_from_fd [Glib 2.32]
g_mapped_file_ref [Glib 2.32]g_mapped_file_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_collect_attributes [Glib 2.32]g_markup_parse_context_get_element_stack [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_parse_context_get_user_data [Glib 2.32]g_markup_parse_context_pop [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_parse_context_push [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_expand_references [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_fetch [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_fetch_all [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_fetch_named [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_fetch_named_pos [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_fetch_pos [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_free [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_get_match_count [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_get_regex [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_get_string [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_is_partial_match [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_matches [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_next [Glib 2.32]
g_match_info_ref [Glib 2.32]g_match_info_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_mkdtemp [Glib 2.32]g_mkdtemp_full [Glib 2.32]
g_mkstemp_full [Glib 2.32]g_mutex_clear [Glib 2.32]
g_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_mutex_lock [Glib 2.32]g_mutex_new [Glib 2.32]
g_mutex_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_mutex_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_once_impl [Glib 2.32]g_once_init_enter [Glib 2.32]
g_once_init_enter_impl [LSB]g_once_init_leave [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_get_help [Glib 2.32]g_pointer_bit_lock [Glib 2.32]
g_pointer_bit_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_pointer_bit_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_poll [Glib 2.32]g_prefix_error [Glib 2.32]
g_private_get [Glib 2.32]g_private_new [Glib 2.32]
g_private_replace [Glib 2.32]g_private_set [Glib 2.32]
g_propagate_prefixed_error [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_new_full [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_set_free_func [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_clear [Glib 2.32]g_queue_free_full [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_init [Glib 2.32]g_realloc_n [Glib 2.32]
g_rec_mutex_clear [Glib 2.32]g_rec_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_rec_mutex_lock [Glib 2.32]g_rec_mutex_trylock [Glib 2.32]
g_rec_mutex_unlock [Glib 2.32]g_regex_check_replacement [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_error_quark [LSB]g_regex_escape_nul [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_escape_string [Glib 2.32]g_regex_get_capture_count [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_get_compile_flags [Glib 2.32]g_regex_get_match_flags [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_get_max_backref [Glib 2.32]g_regex_get_pattern [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_get_string_number [Glib 2.32]g_regex_match [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_match_all [Glib 2.32]g_regex_match_all_full [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_match_full [Glib 2.32]g_regex_match_simple [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_new [Glib 2.32]g_regex_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_replace [Glib 2.32]g_regex_replace_eval [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_replace_literal [Glib 2.32]g_regex_split [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_split_full [Glib 2.32]g_regex_split_simple [Glib 2.32]
g_regex_unref [Glib 2.32]g_reload_user_special_dirs_cache [Glib 2.32]
g_return_if_fail_warning [Glib 2.32]g_rw_lock_clear [Glib 2.32]
g_rw_lock_init [Glib 2.32]g_rw_lock_reader_lock [Glib 2.32]
g_rw_lock_reader_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_rw_lock_reader_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_rw_lock_writer_lock [Glib 2.32]g_rw_lock_writer_trylock [Glib 2.32]
g_rw_lock_writer_unlock [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_append [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_foreach_range [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_free [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_get [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_get_begin_iter [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_get_end_iter [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_get_iter_at_pos [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_get_length [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_insert_before [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_insert_sorted [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_insert_sorted_iter [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_iter_compare [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_iter_get_position [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_iter_get_sequence [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_iter_is_begin [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_iter_is_end [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_iter_move [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_iter_next [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_iter_prev [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_lookup [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_lookup_iter [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_move [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_move_range [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_new [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_prepend [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_range_get_midpoint [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_remove [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_remove_range [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_search [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_search_iter [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_set [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_sort_changed [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_sort_changed_iter [Glib 2.32]
g_sequence_sort_iter [Glib 2.32]g_sequence_swap [Glib 2.32]
g_set_error_literal [Glib 2.32]g_slist_free_full [Glib 2.32]
g_source_add_child_source [Glib 2.32]g_source_get_name [Glib 2.32]
g_source_get_time [Glib 2.32]g_source_remove_child_source [Glib 2.32]
g_source_set_name [Glib 2.32]g_source_set_name_by_id [Glib 2.32]
g_static_mutex_get_mutex_impl [Glib 2.32]g_strcasecmp [Glib 2.32]
g_strcmp0 [Glib 2.32]g_strdown [Glib 2.32]
g_string_append_uri_escaped [Glib 2.32]g_string_append_vprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_string_chunk_clear [Glib 2.32]g_string_down [Glib 2.32]
g_string_overwrite [Glib 2.32]g_string_overwrite_len [Glib 2.32]
g_string_up [Glib 2.32]g_string_vprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_strncasecmp [Glib 2.32]g_strup [Glib 2.32]
g_test_add_data_func [Glib 2.32]g_test_add_func [Glib 2.32]
g_test_add_vtable [LSB]g_test_bug [Glib 2.32]
g_test_bug_base [Glib 2.32]g_test_create_case [Glib 2.32]
g_test_create_suite [Glib 2.32]g_test_fail [Glib 2.32]
g_test_get_root [Glib 2.32]g_test_init [Glib 2.32]
g_test_log_buffer_free [LSB]g_test_log_buffer_new [LSB]
g_test_log_buffer_pop [LSB]g_test_log_buffer_push [LSB]
g_test_log_msg_free [LSB]g_test_log_set_fatal_handler [Glib 2.32]
g_test_log_type_name [LSB]g_test_maximized_result [Glib 2.32]
g_test_message [Glib 2.32]g_test_minimized_result [Glib 2.32]
g_test_queue_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_test_queue_free [Glib 2.32]
g_test_rand_double [Glib 2.32]g_test_rand_double_range [Glib 2.32]
g_test_rand_int [Glib 2.32]g_test_rand_int_range [Glib 2.32]
g_test_run [Glib 2.32]g_test_run_suite [Glib 2.32]
g_test_suite_add [Glib 2.32]g_test_suite_add_suite [Glib 2.32]
g_test_timer_elapsed [Glib 2.32]g_test_timer_last [Glib 2.32]
g_test_timer_start [Glib 2.32]g_test_trap_assertions [LSB]
g_test_trap_fork [Glib 2.32]g_test_trap_has_passed [Glib 2.32]
g_test_trap_reached_timeout [Glib 2.32]g_thread_create [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_get_initialized [Glib 2.32]g_thread_gettime [LSB]
g_thread_new [Glib 2.32]g_thread_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_try_new [Glib 2.32]g_thread_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_yield [Glib 2.32]g_time_zone_adjust_time [Glib 2.32]
g_time_zone_find_interval [Glib 2.32]g_time_zone_get_abbreviation [Glib 2.32]
g_time_zone_get_offset [Glib 2.32]g_time_zone_is_dst [Glib 2.32]
g_time_zone_new [Glib 2.32]g_time_zone_new_local [Glib 2.32]
g_time_zone_new_utc [Glib 2.32]g_time_zone_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_time_zone_unref [Glib 2.32]g_timeout_add_seconds [Glib 2.32]
g_timeout_add_seconds_full [Glib 2.32]g_timeout_source_new_seconds [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_ref [Glib 2.32]g_tree_traverse [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_unref [Glib 2.32]g_try_malloc0 [Glib 2.32]
g_try_malloc0_n [Glib 2.32]g_try_malloc_n [Glib 2.32]
g_try_realloc_n [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_combining_class [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_compose [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_decompose [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_fully_decompose [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_get_script [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_ismark [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_iszerowidth [Glib 2.32]
g_unicode_script_from_iso15924 [Glib 2.32]g_unicode_script_to_iso15924 [Glib 2.32]
g_uri_escape_string [Glib 2.32]g_uri_parse_scheme [Glib 2.32]
g_uri_unescape_segment [Glib 2.32]g_uri_unescape_string [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_substring [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_add [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_builder_add_parsed [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_add_value [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_builder_clear [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_close [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_builder_end [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_init [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_builder_new [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_open [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_builder_ref [Glib 2.32]g_variant_builder_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_byteswap [Glib 2.32]g_variant_classify [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_compare [Glib 2.32]g_variant_dup_bytestring [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_dup_bytestring_array [Glib 2.32]g_variant_dup_objv [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_dup_string [Glib 2.32]g_variant_dup_strv [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_equal [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_boolean [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_byte [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_bytestring [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_bytestring_array [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_child [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_child_value [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_data [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_double [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_fixed_array [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_handle [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_int16 [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_int32 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_int64 [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_maybe [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_normal_form [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_objv [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_size [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_string [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_strv [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_type [Gobject 2.32]
g_variant_get_type_string [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_uint16 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_uint32 [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_uint64 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_get_va [Glib 2.32]g_variant_get_variant [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_hash [Glib 2.32]g_variant_is_container [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_is_floating [Glib 2.32]g_variant_is_normal_form [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_is_object_path [Glib 2.32]g_variant_is_of_type [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_is_signature [Glib 2.32]g_variant_iter_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_iter_free [Glib 2.32]g_variant_iter_init [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_iter_loop [Glib 2.32]g_variant_iter_n_children [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_iter_new [Glib 2.32]g_variant_iter_next [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_iter_next_value [Glib 2.32]g_variant_lookup [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_lookup_value [Glib 2.32]g_variant_n_children [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_array [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_boolean [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_byte [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_bytestring [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_bytestring_array [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_dict_entry [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_double [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_fixed_array [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_from_data [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_handle [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_int16 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_int32 [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_int64 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_maybe [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_object_path [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_objv [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_parsed [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_parsed_va [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_signature [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_string [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_strv [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_tuple [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_uint16 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_uint32 [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_uint64 [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_new_va [Glib 2.32]g_variant_new_variant [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_parse [Glib 2.32]g_variant_parser_get_error_quark [LSB]
g_variant_print [Glib 2.32]g_variant_print_string [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_ref [Glib 2.32]g_variant_ref_sink [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_store [Glib 2.32]g_variant_take_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_checked_ [LSB]g_variant_type_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_dup_string [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_element [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_equal [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_first [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_free [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_get_string_length [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_hash [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_is_array [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_is_basic [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_is_container [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_is_definite [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_is_dict_entry [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_is_maybe [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_is_subtype_of [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_is_tuple [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_is_variant [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_key [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_n_items [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_new [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_new_array [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_new_dict_entry [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_new_maybe [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_new_tuple [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_next [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_peek_string [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_string_is_valid [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_type_string_scan [Glib 2.32]g_variant_type_value [Glib 2.32]
g_variant_unref [Glib 2.32]g_warn_message [LSB]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for GTK General purpose utility library specified in Table 17-3, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-3. libglib-2.0 - GTK General purpose utility library Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_assert_warning [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_ref_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_unref_and_unlock [Glib 2.32]g_basename [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_free [Glib 2.32]g_cond_new [Glib 2.32]
g_cond_timed_wait [Glib 2.32]g_format_size_for_display [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_close [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_read [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_seek [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_write [Glib 2.32]
g_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_mutex_new [Glib 2.32]
g_private_new [Glib 2.32]g_strcasecmp [Glib 2.32]
g_strdown [Glib 2.32]g_string_down [Glib 2.32]
g_string_up [Glib 2.32]g_strncasecmp [Glib 2.32]
g_strup [Glib 2.32]g_thread_create [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_traverse [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for GTK General purpose utility library specified in Table 17-4, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-4. libglib-2.0 - GTK General purpose utility library Data Interfaces

g_ascii_table [Glib 2.32]g_child_watch_funcs [Glib 2.32]
g_idle_funcs [Glib 2.32]g_io_watch_funcs [Glib 2.32]
g_test_config_vars [LSB]g_thread_functions_for_glib_use [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_use_default_impl [Glib 2.32]g_threads_got_initialized [Glib 2.32]
g_timeout_funcs [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_skip [Glib 2.32]

17.2.2. Glib Arrays Interfaces for Glib Arrays

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Arrays specified in Table 17-5, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-5. libglib-2.0 - Glib Arrays Function Interfaces

g_array_append_vals [Glib 2.32]g_array_free [Glib 2.32]
g_array_insert_vals [Glib 2.32]g_array_new [Glib 2.32]
g_array_prepend_vals [Glib 2.32]g_array_remove_index [Glib 2.32]
g_array_remove_index_fast [Glib 2.32]g_array_remove_range [Glib 2.32]
g_array_set_size [Glib 2.32]g_array_sized_new [Glib 2.32]
g_array_sort [Glib 2.32]g_array_sort_with_data [Glib 2.32]

17.2.3. Glib Asynchronous Queues Interfaces for Glib Asynchronous Queues

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Asynchronous Queues specified in Table 17-6, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-6. libglib-2.0 - Glib Asynchronous Queues Function Interfaces

g_async_queue_length [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_length_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_lock [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_new [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_pop [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_pop_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_push [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_push_sorted [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_push_sorted_unlocked [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_push_unlocked [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_ref [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_sort_unlocked [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_timed_pop [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_timed_pop_unlocked [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_try_pop [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_try_pop_unlocked [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_async_queue_unref [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Asynchronous Queues specified in Table 17-7, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-7. libglib-2.0 - Glib Asynchronous Queues Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_async_queue_timed_pop [Glib 2.32]g_async_queue_timed_pop_unlocked [Glib 2.32]

17.2.4. Glib Atomic Operations Interfaces for Glib Atomic Operations

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Atomic Operations specified in Table 17-8, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-8. libglib-2.0 - Glib Atomic Operations Function Interfaces

g_atomic_int_add [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange [Glib 2.32]
g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add [Glib 2.32]g_atomic_pointer_compare_and_exchange [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Atomic Operations specified in Table 17-9, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-9. libglib-2.0 - Glib Atomic Operations Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_atomic_int_exchange_and_add [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.5. Glib Automatic String Completion Interfaces for Glib Automatic String Completion

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Automatic String Completion specified in Table 17-10, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-10. libglib-2.0 - Glib Automatic String Completion Function Interfaces

g_completion_add_items [Glib 2.32]g_completion_clear_items [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_complete [Glib 2.32]g_completion_complete_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_free [Glib 2.32]g_completion_new [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_remove_items [Glib 2.32]g_completion_set_compare [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Automatic String Completion specified in Table 17-11, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-11. libglib-2.0 - Glib Automatic String Completion Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_completion_add_items [Glib 2.32]g_completion_clear_items [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_complete [Glib 2.32]g_completion_complete_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_free [Glib 2.32]g_completion_new [Glib 2.32]
g_completion_remove_items [Glib 2.32]g_completion_set_compare [Glib 2.32]

17.2.6. Glib Balanced Binary Trees Interfaces for Glib Balanced Binary Trees

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Balanced Binary Trees specified in Table 17-12, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-12. libglib-2.0 - Glib Balanced Binary Trees Function Interfaces

g_tree_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_tree_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_height [Glib 2.32]g_tree_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_lookup [Glib 2.32]g_tree_lookup_extended [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_new [Glib 2.32]g_tree_new_full [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_new_with_data [Glib 2.32]g_tree_nnodes [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_remove [Glib 2.32]g_tree_replace [Glib 2.32]
g_tree_search [Glib 2.32]g_tree_steal [Glib 2.32]

17.2.7. Glib Byte Arrays Interfaces for Glib Byte Arrays

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Byte Arrays specified in Table 17-13, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-13. libglib-2.0 - Glib Byte Arrays Function Interfaces

g_byte_array_append [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_free [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_new [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_prepend [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_remove_index [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_remove_index_fast [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_remove_range [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_set_size [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_sized_new [Glib 2.32]g_byte_array_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_byte_array_sort_with_data [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.8. Glib Caches Interfaces for Glib Caches

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Caches specified in Table 17-14, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-14. libglib-2.0 - Glib Caches Function Interfaces

g_cache_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_cache_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_cache_key_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_cache_new [Glib 2.32]
g_cache_remove [Glib 2.32]g_cache_value_foreach [LSB]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Caches specified in Table 17-15, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-15. libglib-2.0 - Glib Caches Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_cache_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_cache_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_cache_key_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_cache_new [Glib 2.32]
g_cache_remove [Glib 2.32]g_cache_value_foreach [LSB]

17.2.9. Glib Character Set Conversion Interfaces for Glib Character Set Conversion

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Character Set Conversion specified in Table 17-16, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-16. libglib-2.0 - Glib Character Set Conversion Function Interfaces

g_convert [Glib 2.32]g_convert_error_quark [Glib 2.32]
g_convert_with_fallback [Glib 2.32]g_convert_with_iconv [Glib 2.32]
g_filename_display_basename [Glib 2.32]g_filename_display_name [Glib 2.32]
g_filename_from_uri [Glib 2.32]g_filename_from_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_filename_to_uri [Glib 2.32]g_filename_to_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_get_charset [Glib 2.32]g_get_filename_charsets [Glib 2.32]
g_iconv [Glib 2.32]g_iconv_close [Glib 2.32]
g_iconv_open [Glib 2.32]g_locale_from_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_locale_to_utf8 [Glib 2.32]g_uri_list_extract_uris [Glib 2.32]

17.2.10. Glib Commandline Option Parser Interfaces for Glib Commandline Option Parser

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Commandline Option Parser specified in Table 17-17, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-17. libglib-2.0 - Glib Commandline Option Parser Function Interfaces

g_option_context_add_group [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_add_main_entries [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_free [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_get_description [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_get_help_enabled [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_get_ignore_unknown_options [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_get_main_group [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_get_summary [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_new [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_parse [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_set_description [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_set_help_enabled [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_set_main_group [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_set_summary [Glib 2.32]g_option_context_set_translate_func [Glib 2.32]
g_option_context_set_translation_domain [Glib 2.32]g_option_error_quark [Glib 2.32]
g_option_group_add_entries [Glib 2.32]g_option_group_free [Glib 2.32]
g_option_group_new [Glib 2.32]g_option_group_set_error_hook [Glib 2.32]
g_option_group_set_parse_hooks [Glib 2.32]g_option_group_set_translate_func [Glib 2.32]
g_option_group_set_translation_domain [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.11. Glib Datasets Interfaces for Glib Datasets

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Datasets specified in Table 17-18, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-18. libglib-2.0 - Glib Datasets Function Interfaces

g_dataset_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_dataset_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_dataset_id_get_data [Glib 2.32]g_dataset_id_remove_no_notify [Glib 2.32]
g_dataset_id_set_data_full [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.12. Glib Date and Time Functions Interfaces for Glib Date and Time Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Date and Time Functions specified in Table 17-19, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-19. libglib-2.0 - Glib Date and Time Functions Function Interfaces

g_date_add_days [Glib 2.32]g_date_add_months [Glib 2.32]
g_date_add_years [Glib 2.32]g_date_clamp [Glib 2.32]
g_date_clear [Glib 2.32]g_date_compare [Glib 2.32]
g_date_days_between [Glib 2.32]g_date_free [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_day [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_day_of_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_days_in_month [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_iso8601_week_of_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_julian [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_monday_week_of_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_monday_weeks_in_year [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_month [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_sunday_week_of_year [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_sunday_weeks_in_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_get_weekday [Glib 2.32]g_date_get_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_is_first_of_month [Glib 2.32]g_date_is_last_of_month [Glib 2.32]
g_date_is_leap_year [Glib 2.32]g_date_new [Glib 2.32]
g_date_new_dmy [Glib 2.32]g_date_new_julian [Glib 2.32]
g_date_order [Glib 2.32]g_date_set_day [Glib 2.32]
g_date_set_dmy [Glib 2.32]g_date_set_julian [Glib 2.32]
g_date_set_month [Glib 2.32]g_date_set_parse [Glib 2.32]
g_date_set_time [Glib 2.32]g_date_set_time_t [Glib 2.32]
g_date_set_time_val [Glib 2.32]g_date_set_year [Glib 2.32]
g_date_strftime [Glib 2.32]g_date_subtract_days [Glib 2.32]
g_date_subtract_months [Glib 2.32]g_date_subtract_years [Glib 2.32]
g_date_to_struct_tm [Glib 2.32]g_date_valid [Glib 2.32]
g_date_valid_day [Glib 2.32]g_date_valid_dmy [Glib 2.32]
g_date_valid_julian [Glib 2.32]g_date_valid_month [Glib 2.32]
g_date_valid_weekday [Glib 2.32]g_date_valid_year [Glib 2.32]
g_get_current_time [Glib 2.32]g_time_val_add [Glib 2.32]
g_time_val_from_iso8601 [Glib 2.32]g_time_val_to_iso8601 [Glib 2.32]
g_usleep [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Date and Time Functions specified in Table 17-20, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-20. libglib-2.0 - Glib Date and Time Functions Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_date_set_time [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.13. Glib Double-Ended Queues Interfaces for Glib Double-Ended Queues

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Double-Ended Queues specified in Table 17-21, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-21. libglib-2.0 - Glib Double-Ended Queues Function Interfaces

g_queue_copy [Glib 2.32]g_queue_delete_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_find [Glib 2.32]g_queue_find_custom [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_queue_free [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_get_length [Glib 2.32]g_queue_index [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_insert_after [Glib 2.32]g_queue_insert_before [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_insert_sorted [Glib 2.32]g_queue_is_empty [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_link_index [Glib 2.32]g_queue_new [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_peek_head [Glib 2.32]g_queue_peek_head_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_peek_nth [Glib 2.32]g_queue_peek_nth_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_peek_tail [Glib 2.32]g_queue_peek_tail_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_pop_head [Glib 2.32]g_queue_pop_head_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_pop_nth [Glib 2.32]g_queue_pop_nth_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_pop_tail [Glib 2.32]g_queue_pop_tail_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_push_head [Glib 2.32]g_queue_push_head_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_push_nth [Glib 2.32]g_queue_push_nth_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_push_tail [Glib 2.32]g_queue_push_tail_link [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_remove [Glib 2.32]g_queue_remove_all [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_reverse [Glib 2.32]g_queue_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_queue_unlink [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.14. Glib Doubly-Linked Lists Interfaces for Glib Doubly-Linked Lists

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Doubly-Linked Lists specified in Table 17-22, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-22. libglib-2.0 - Glib Doubly-Linked Lists Function Interfaces

g_list_alloc [Glib 2.32]g_list_append [Glib 2.32]
g_list_concat [Glib 2.32]g_list_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_list_delete_link [Glib 2.32]g_list_find [Glib 2.32]
g_list_find_custom [Glib 2.32]g_list_first [Glib 2.32]
g_list_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_list_free [Glib 2.32]
g_list_free_1 [Glib 2.32]g_list_index [Glib 2.32]
g_list_insert [Glib 2.32]g_list_insert_before [Glib 2.32]
g_list_insert_sorted [Glib 2.32]g_list_insert_sorted_with_data [Glib 2.32]
g_list_last [Glib 2.32]g_list_length [Glib 2.32]
g_list_nth [Glib 2.32]g_list_nth_data [Glib 2.32]
g_list_nth_prev [Glib 2.32]g_list_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]
g_list_position [Glib 2.32]g_list_prepend [Glib 2.32]
g_list_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_list_remove [Glib 2.32]
g_list_remove_all [Glib 2.32]g_list_remove_link [Glib 2.32]
g_list_reverse [Glib 2.32]g_list_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_list_sort_with_data [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Doubly-Linked Lists specified in Table 17-23, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-23. libglib-2.0 - Glib Doubly-Linked Lists Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_list_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_list_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]

17.2.15. Glib Error Reporting Interfaces for Glib Error Reporting

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Error Reporting specified in Table 17-24, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-24. libglib-2.0 - Glib Error Reporting Function Interfaces

g_clear_error [Glib 2.32]g_error_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_error_free [Glib 2.32]g_error_matches [Glib 2.32]
g_error_new [Glib 2.32]g_error_new_literal [Glib 2.32]
g_propagate_error [Glib 2.32]g_set_error [Glib 2.32]

17.2.16. Glib File Utilities Interfaces for Glib File Utilities

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib File Utilities specified in Table 17-25, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-25. libglib-2.0 - Glib File Utilities Function Interfaces

g_dir_close [Glib 2.32]g_dir_open [Glib 2.32]
g_dir_read_name [Glib 2.32]g_dir_rewind [Glib 2.32]
g_file_error_from_errno [Glib 2.32]g_file_error_quark [Glib 2.32]
g_file_get_contents [Glib 2.32]g_file_open_tmp [Glib 2.32]
g_file_read_link [Glib 2.32]g_file_set_contents [Glib 2.32]
g_file_test [Glib 2.32]g_mapped_file_free [Glib 2.32]
g_mapped_file_get_contents [Glib 2.32]g_mapped_file_get_length [Glib 2.32]
g_mapped_file_new [Glib 2.32]g_mkstemp [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib File Utilities specified in Table 17-26, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-26. libglib-2.0 - Glib File Utilities Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_mapped_file_free [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.17. Glib Glob-Style Pattern Matching Interfaces for Glib Glob-Style Pattern Matching

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Glob-Style Pattern Matching specified in Table 17-27, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-27. libglib-2.0 - Glib Glob-Style Pattern Matching Function Interfaces

g_pattern_match [Glib 2.32]g_pattern_match_simple [Glib 2.32]
g_pattern_match_string [Glib 2.32]g_pattern_spec_equal [Glib 2.32]
g_pattern_spec_free [Glib 2.32]g_pattern_spec_new [Glib 2.32]

17.2.18. Glib Hash Tables Interfaces for Glib Hash Tables

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Hash Tables specified in Table 17-28, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-28. libglib-2.0 - Glib Hash Tables Function Interfaces

g_direct_equal [Glib 2.32]g_direct_hash [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_find [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_foreach_remove [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_foreach_steal [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_lookup [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_lookup_extended [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_new [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_new_full [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_ref [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_remove [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_remove_all [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_replace [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_size [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_steal [Glib 2.32]
g_hash_table_steal_all [Glib 2.32]g_hash_table_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_int_equal [Glib 2.32]g_int_hash [Glib 2.32]
g_str_equal [Glib 2.32]g_str_hash [Glib 2.32]

17.2.19. Glib Hook Functions Interfaces for Glib Hook Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Hook Functions specified in Table 17-29, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-29. libglib-2.0 - Glib Hook Functions Function Interfaces

g_hook_alloc [Glib 2.32]g_hook_compare_ids [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_hook_destroy_link [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_find [Glib 2.32]g_hook_find_data [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_find_func [Glib 2.32]g_hook_find_func_data [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_first_valid [Glib 2.32]g_hook_free [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_get [Glib 2.32]g_hook_insert_before [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_insert_sorted [Glib 2.32]g_hook_list_clear [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_list_init [Glib 2.32]g_hook_list_invoke [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_list_invoke_check [Glib 2.32]g_hook_list_marshal [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_list_marshal_check [Glib 2.32]g_hook_next_valid [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_prepend [Glib 2.32]g_hook_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_hook_unref [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.20. Glib IO Channels Interfaces for Glib IO Channels

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib IO Channels specified in Table 17-30, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-30. libglib-2.0 - Glib IO Channels Function Interfaces

g_io_add_watch [Glib 2.32]g_io_add_watch_full [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_error_from_errno [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_error_quark [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_flush [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_get_buffer_condition [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_get_buffer_size [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_get_buffered [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_get_close_on_unref [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_get_encoding [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_get_flags [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_get_line_term [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_init [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_new_file [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_read_chars [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_read_line [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_read_line_string [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_read_to_end [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_read_unichar [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_seek_position [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_set_buffer_size [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_set_buffered [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_set_encoding [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_set_flags [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_set_line_term [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_shutdown [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_unix_get_fd [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_unix_new [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_unref [Glib 2.32]g_io_channel_write_chars [Glib 2.32]
g_io_channel_write_unichar [Glib 2.32]g_io_create_watch [Glib 2.32]

17.2.21. Glib Internationalization Interfaces for Glib Internationalization

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Internationalization specified in Table 17-31, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-31. libglib-2.0 - Glib Internationalization Function Interfaces

g_get_language_names [Glib 2.32]g_strip_context [Glib 2.32]

17.2.22. Glib Key-Value File Parser Interfaces for Glib Key-Value File Parser

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Key-Value File Parser specified in Table 17-32, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-32. libglib-2.0 - Glib Key-Value File Parser Function Interfaces

g_key_file_error_quark [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_free [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_boolean [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_boolean_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_comment [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_double [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_double_list [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_groups [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_integer [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_integer_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_keys [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_locale_string [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_locale_string_list [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_start_group [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_string [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_get_string_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_get_value [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_has_group [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_has_key [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_load_from_data [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_load_from_data_dirs [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_load_from_file [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_new [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_remove_comment [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_remove_group [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_remove_key [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_boolean [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_boolean_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_comment [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_double [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_double_list [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_integer [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_integer_list [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_list_separator [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_locale_string [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_locale_string_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_string [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_set_string_list [Glib 2.32]
g_key_file_set_value [Glib 2.32]g_key_file_to_data [Glib 2.32]

17.2.23. Glib Keyed Data Lists Interfaces for Glib Keyed Data Lists

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Keyed Data Lists specified in Table 17-33, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-33. libglib-2.0 - Glib Keyed Data Lists Function Interfaces

g_datalist_clear [Glib 2.32]g_datalist_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_datalist_get_flags [Glib 2.32]g_datalist_id_get_data [Glib 2.32]
g_datalist_id_remove_no_notify [Glib 2.32]g_datalist_id_set_data_full [Glib 2.32]
g_datalist_init [Glib 2.32]g_datalist_set_flags [Glib 2.32]
g_datalist_unset_flags [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.24. Glib Lexical Scanner Interfaces for Glib Lexical Scanner

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Lexical Scanner specified in Table 17-34, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-34. libglib-2.0 - Glib Lexical Scanner Function Interfaces

g_scanner_cur_line [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_cur_position [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_cur_token [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_cur_value [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_eof [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_error [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_get_next_token [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_input_file [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_input_text [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_lookup_symbol [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_new [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_peek_next_token [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_scope_add_symbol [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_scope_foreach_symbol [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_scope_lookup_symbol [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_scope_remove_symbol [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_set_scope [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_sync_file_offset [Glib 2.32]g_scanner_unexp_token [Glib 2.32]
g_scanner_warn [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.25. Glib Memory Allocation Interfaces for Glib Memory Allocation

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Memory Allocation specified in Table 17-35, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-35. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Allocation Function Interfaces

g_free [Glib 2.32]g_malloc [Glib 2.32]
g_malloc0 [Glib 2.32]g_mem_is_system_malloc [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_profile [Glib 2.32]g_mem_set_vtable [Glib 2.32]
g_memdup [Glib 2.32]g_realloc [Glib 2.32]
g_try_malloc [Glib 2.32]g_try_realloc [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for Glib Memory Allocation specified in Table 17-36, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-36. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Allocation Data Interfaces

g_mem_gc_friendly [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.26. Glib Memory Allocators Interfaces for Glib Memory Allocators

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Memory Allocators specified in Table 17-37, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-37. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Allocators Function Interfaces

g_allocator_free [Glib 2.32]g_allocator_new [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Memory Allocators specified in Table 17-38, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-38. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Allocators Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_allocator_free [Glib 2.32]g_allocator_new [Glib 2.32]

17.2.27. Glib Memory Chunks Interfaces for Glib Memory Chunks

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Memory Chunks specified in Table 17-39, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-39. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Chunks Function Interfaces

g_blow_chunks [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_alloc [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_alloc0 [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_clean [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_free [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_info [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_new [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_print [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_reset [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Memory Chunks specified in Table 17-40, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-40. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Chunks Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_blow_chunks [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_alloc [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_alloc0 [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_clean [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_free [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_info [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_new [Glib 2.32]
g_mem_chunk_print [Glib 2.32]g_mem_chunk_reset [Glib 2.32]

17.2.28. Glib Message Logging Interfaces for Glib Message Logging

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Message Logging specified in Table 17-41, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-41. libglib-2.0 - Glib Message Logging Function Interfaces

g_log [Glib 2.32]g_log_default_handler [Glib 2.32]
g_log_remove_handler [Glib 2.32]g_log_set_always_fatal [Glib 2.32]
g_log_set_default_handler [Glib 2.32]g_log_set_fatal_mask [Glib 2.32]
g_log_set_handler [Glib 2.32]g_logv [Glib 2.32]

17.2.29. Glib Message Output and Debugging Functions Interfaces for Glib Message Output and Debugging Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Message Output and Debugging Functions specified in Table 17-42, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-42. libglib-2.0 - Glib Message Output and Debugging Functions Function Interfaces

g_on_error_query [Glib 2.32]g_on_error_stack_trace [Glib 2.32]
g_print [Glib 2.32]g_printerr [Glib 2.32]
g_set_print_handler [Glib 2.32]g_set_printerr_handler [Glib 2.32]

17.2.30. Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions Interfaces for Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions specified in Table 17-43, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-43. libglib-2.0 - Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions Function Interfaces

g_atexit [Glib 2.32]g_bit_nth_lsf [Glib 2.32]
g_bit_nth_msf [Glib 2.32]g_bit_storage [Glib 2.32]
g_build_filename [Glib 2.32]g_build_filenamev [Glib 2.32]
g_build_path [Glib 2.32]g_build_pathv [Glib 2.32]
g_find_program_in_path [Glib 2.32]g_get_application_name [Glib 2.32]
g_get_current_dir [Glib 2.32]g_get_home_dir [Glib 2.32]
g_get_host_name [Glib 2.32]g_get_prgname [Glib 2.32]
g_get_real_name [Glib 2.32]g_get_system_config_dirs [Glib 2.32]
g_get_system_data_dirs [Glib 2.32]g_get_tmp_dir [Glib 2.32]
g_get_user_cache_dir [Glib 2.32]g_get_user_config_dir [Glib 2.32]
g_get_user_data_dir [Glib 2.32]g_get_user_name [Glib 2.32]
g_getenv [Glib 2.32]g_listenv [Glib 2.32]
g_nullify_pointer [Glib 2.32]g_parse_debug_string [Glib 2.32]
g_path_get_basename [Glib 2.32]g_path_get_dirname [Glib 2.32]
g_path_is_absolute [Glib 2.32]g_path_skip_root [Glib 2.32]
g_qsort_with_data [Glib 2.32]g_set_application_name [Glib 2.32]
g_set_prgname [Glib 2.32]g_setenv [Glib 2.32]
g_spaced_primes_closest [Glib 2.32]g_unsetenv [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions specified in Table 17-44, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-44. libglib-2.0 - Glib Miscellaneous Utility Functions Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_atexit [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.31. Glib N-ary Trees Interfaces for Glib N-ary Trees

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib N-ary Trees specified in Table 17-45, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-45. libglib-2.0 - Glib N-ary Trees Function Interfaces

g_node_child_index [Glib 2.32]g_node_child_position [Glib 2.32]
g_node_children_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_node_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_node_copy_deep [Glib 2.32]g_node_depth [Glib 2.32]
g_node_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_node_find [Glib 2.32]
g_node_find_child [Glib 2.32]g_node_first_sibling [Glib 2.32]
g_node_get_root [Glib 2.32]g_node_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_node_insert_after [Glib 2.32]g_node_insert_before [Glib 2.32]
g_node_is_ancestor [Glib 2.32]g_node_last_child [Glib 2.32]
g_node_last_sibling [Glib 2.32]g_node_max_height [Glib 2.32]
g_node_n_children [Glib 2.32]g_node_n_nodes [Glib 2.32]
g_node_new [Glib 2.32]g_node_nth_child [Glib 2.32]
g_node_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_node_prepend [Glib 2.32]
g_node_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_node_reverse_children [Glib 2.32]
g_node_traverse [Glib 2.32]g_node_unlink [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib N-ary Trees specified in Table 17-46, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-46. libglib-2.0 - Glib N-ary Trees Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_node_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_node_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]

17.2.32. Glib Pointer Arrays Interfaces for Glib Pointer Arrays

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Pointer Arrays specified in Table 17-47, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-47. libglib-2.0 - Glib Pointer Arrays Function Interfaces

g_ptr_array_add [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_free [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_new [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_remove [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_remove_fast [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_remove_index [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_remove_range [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_set_size [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_sized_new [Glib 2.32]g_ptr_array_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_ptr_array_sort_with_data [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.33. Glib Quarks Interfaces for Glib Quarks

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Quarks specified in Table 17-48, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-48. libglib-2.0 - Glib Quarks Function Interfaces

g_intern_static_string [Glib 2.32]g_intern_string [Glib 2.32]
g_quark_from_static_string [Glib 2.32]g_quark_from_string [Glib 2.32]
g_quark_to_string [Glib 2.32]g_quark_try_string [Glib 2.32]

17.2.34. Glib Random Numbers Interfaces for Glib Random Numbers

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Random Numbers specified in Table 17-49, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-49. libglib-2.0 - Glib Random Numbers Function Interfaces

g_rand_copy [Glib 2.32]g_rand_double [Glib 2.32]
g_rand_double_range [Glib 2.32]g_rand_free [Glib 2.32]
g_rand_int [Glib 2.32]g_rand_int_range [Glib 2.32]
g_rand_new [Glib 2.32]g_rand_new_with_seed [Glib 2.32]
g_rand_new_with_seed_array [Glib 2.32]g_rand_set_seed [Glib 2.32]
g_rand_set_seed_array [Glib 2.32]g_random_double [Glib 2.32]
g_random_double_range [Glib 2.32]g_random_int [Glib 2.32]
g_random_int_range [Glib 2.32]g_random_set_seed [Glib 2.32]

17.2.35. Glib Relations and Tuples Interfaces for Glib Relations and Tuples

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Relations and Tuples specified in Table 17-50, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-50. libglib-2.0 - Glib Relations and Tuples Function Interfaces

g_relation_count [Glib 2.32]g_relation_delete [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_relation_exists [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_index [Glib 2.32]g_relation_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_new [Glib 2.32]g_relation_print [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_select [Glib 2.32]g_tuples_destroy [Glib 2.32]
g_tuples_index [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Relations and Tuples specified in Table 17-51, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-51. libglib-2.0 - Glib Relations and Tuples Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_relation_count [Glib 2.32]g_relation_delete [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_relation_exists [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_index [Glib 2.32]g_relation_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_new [Glib 2.32]g_relation_print [Glib 2.32]
g_relation_select [Glib 2.32]g_tuples_destroy [Glib 2.32]
g_tuples_index [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.36. Glib Shell-related Utilities Interfaces for Glib Shell-related Utilities

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Shell-related Utilities specified in Table 17-52, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-52. libglib-2.0 - Glib Shell-related Utilities Function Interfaces

g_shell_error_quark [Glib 2.32]g_shell_parse_argv [Glib 2.32]
g_shell_quote [Glib 2.32]g_shell_unquote [Glib 2.32]

17.2.37. Glib Simple XML Subset Parser Interfaces for Glib Simple XML Subset Parser

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Simple XML Subset Parser specified in Table 17-53, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-53. libglib-2.0 - Glib Simple XML Subset Parser Function Interfaces

g_markup_error_quark [Glib 2.32]g_markup_escape_text [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_parse_context_end_parse [Glib 2.32]g_markup_parse_context_free [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_parse_context_get_element [Glib 2.32]g_markup_parse_context_get_position [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_parse_context_new [Glib 2.32]g_markup_parse_context_parse [Glib 2.32]
g_markup_printf_escaped [Glib 2.32]g_markup_vprintf_escaped [Glib 2.32]

17.2.38. Glib Singly-Linked Lists Interfaces for Glib Singly-Linked Lists

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Singly-Linked Lists specified in Table 17-54, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-54. libglib-2.0 - Glib Singly-Linked Lists Function Interfaces

g_slist_alloc [Glib 2.32]g_slist_append [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_concat [Glib 2.32]g_slist_copy [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_delete_link [Glib 2.32]g_slist_find [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_find_custom [Glib 2.32]g_slist_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_free [Glib 2.32]g_slist_free_1 [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_index [Glib 2.32]g_slist_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_insert_before [Glib 2.32]g_slist_insert_sorted [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_insert_sorted_with_data [Glib 2.32]g_slist_last [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_length [Glib 2.32]g_slist_nth [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_nth_data [Glib 2.32]g_slist_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_position [Glib 2.32]g_slist_prepend [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_slist_remove [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_remove_all [Glib 2.32]g_slist_remove_link [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_reverse [Glib 2.32]g_slist_sort [Glib 2.32]
g_slist_sort_with_data [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Singly-Linked Lists specified in Table 17-55, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-55. libglib-2.0 - Glib Singly-Linked Lists Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_slist_pop_allocator [Glib 2.32]g_slist_push_allocator [Glib 2.32]

17.2.39. Glib Spawning Processes Interfaces for Glib Spawning Processes

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Spawning Processes specified in Table 17-56, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-56. libglib-2.0 - Glib Spawning Processes Function Interfaces

g_spawn_async [Glib 2.32]g_spawn_async_with_pipes [Glib 2.32]
g_spawn_close_pid [Glib 2.32]g_spawn_command_line_async [Glib 2.32]
g_spawn_command_line_sync [Glib 2.32]g_spawn_error_quark [Glib 2.32]
g_spawn_sync [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.40. Glib String Chunks Interfaces for Glib String Chunks

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib String Chunks specified in Table 17-57, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-57. libglib-2.0 - Glib String Chunks Function Interfaces

g_string_chunk_free [Glib 2.32]g_string_chunk_insert [Glib 2.32]
g_string_chunk_insert_const [Glib 2.32]g_string_chunk_insert_len [Glib 2.32]
g_string_chunk_new [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.41. Glib String Utility Functions Interfaces for Glib String Utility Functions

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib String Utility Functions specified in Table 17-58, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-58. libglib-2.0 - Glib String Utility Functions Function Interfaces

g_ascii_digit_value [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_dtostr [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_formatd [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_strcasecmp [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_strdown [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_strncasecmp [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_strtod [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_strtoll [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_strtoull [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_strup [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_tolower [Glib 2.32]g_ascii_toupper [Glib 2.32]
g_ascii_xdigit_value [Glib 2.32]g_fprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_printf [Glib 2.32]g_printf_string_upper_bound [Glib 2.32]
g_snprintf [Glib 2.32]g_sprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_stpcpy [Glib 2.32]g_str_has_prefix [Glib 2.32]
g_str_has_suffix [Glib 2.32]g_strcanon [Glib 2.32]
g_strchomp [Glib 2.32]g_strchug [Glib 2.32]
g_strcompress [Glib 2.32]g_strconcat [Glib 2.32]
g_strdelimit [Glib 2.32]g_strdup [Glib 2.32]
g_strdup_printf [Glib 2.32]g_strdup_vprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_strdupv [Glib 2.32]g_strerror [Glib 2.32]
g_strescape [Glib 2.32]g_strfreev [Glib 2.32]
g_string_ascii_down [Glib 2.32]g_string_ascii_up [Glib 2.32]
g_strjoin [Glib 2.32]g_strjoinv [Glib 2.32]
g_strlcat [Glib 2.32]g_strlcpy [Glib 2.32]
g_strndup [Glib 2.32]g_strnfill [Glib 2.32]
g_strreverse [Glib 2.32]g_strrstr [Glib 2.32]
g_strrstr_len [Glib 2.32]g_strsignal [Glib 2.32]
g_strsplit [Glib 2.32]g_strsplit_set [Glib 2.32]
g_strstr_len [Glib 2.32]g_strtod [Glib 2.32]
g_strv_length [Glib 2.32]g_vasprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_vfprintf [Glib 2.32]g_vprintf [Glib 2.32]
g_vsnprintf [Glib 2.32]g_vsprintf [Glib 2.32]

17.2.42. Glib Strings Interfaces for Glib Strings

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Strings specified in Table 17-59, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-59. libglib-2.0 - Glib Strings Function Interfaces

g_string_append [Glib 2.32]g_string_append_c [Glib 2.32]
g_string_append_len [Glib 2.32]g_string_append_printf [Glib 2.32]
g_string_append_unichar [Glib 2.32]g_string_assign [Glib 2.32]
g_string_equal [Glib 2.32]g_string_erase [Glib 2.32]
g_string_free [Glib 2.32]g_string_hash [Glib 2.32]
g_string_insert [Glib 2.32]g_string_insert_c [Glib 2.32]
g_string_insert_len [Glib 2.32]g_string_insert_unichar [Glib 2.32]
g_string_new [Glib 2.32]g_string_new_len [Glib 2.32]
g_string_prepend [Glib 2.32]g_string_prepend_c [Glib 2.32]
g_string_prepend_len [Glib 2.32]g_string_prepend_unichar [Glib 2.32]
g_string_printf [Glib 2.32]g_string_set_size [Glib 2.32]
g_string_sized_new [Glib 2.32]g_string_truncate [Glib 2.32]

17.2.43. Glib - The Main Event Loop Interfaces for Glib - The Main Event Loop

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib - The Main Event Loop specified in Table 17-60, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-60. libglib-2.0 - Glib - The Main Event Loop Function Interfaces

g_child_watch_add [Glib 2.32]g_child_watch_add_full [Glib 2.32]
g_child_watch_source_new [Glib 2.32]g_idle_add [Glib 2.32]
g_idle_add_full [Glib 2.32]g_idle_remove_by_data [Glib 2.32]
g_idle_source_new [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_acquire [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_add_poll [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_check [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_default [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_dispatch [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_find_source_by_funcs_user_data [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_find_source_by_id [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_find_source_by_user_data [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_get_poll_func [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_is_owner [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_iteration [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_new [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_pending [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_prepare [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_query [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_ref [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_release [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_remove_poll [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_set_poll_func [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_unref [Glib 2.32]g_main_context_wait [Glib 2.32]
g_main_context_wakeup [Glib 2.32]g_main_current_source [Glib 2.32]
g_main_depth [Glib 2.32]g_main_loop_get_context [Glib 2.32]
g_main_loop_is_running [Glib 2.32]g_main_loop_new [Glib 2.32]
g_main_loop_quit [Glib 2.32]g_main_loop_ref [Glib 2.32]
g_main_loop_run [Glib 2.32]g_main_loop_unref [Glib 2.32]
g_source_add_poll [Glib 2.32]g_source_attach [Glib 2.32]
g_source_destroy [Glib 2.32]g_source_get_can_recurse [Glib 2.32]
g_source_get_context [Glib 2.32]g_source_get_current_time [Glib 2.32]
g_source_get_id [Glib 2.32]g_source_get_priority [Glib 2.32]
g_source_is_destroyed [Glib 2.32]g_source_new [Glib 2.32]
g_source_ref [Glib 2.32]g_source_remove [Glib 2.32]
g_source_remove_by_funcs_user_data [Glib 2.32]g_source_remove_by_user_data [Glib 2.32]
g_source_remove_poll [Glib 2.32]g_source_set_callback [Glib 2.32]
g_source_set_callback_indirect [Glib 2.32]g_source_set_can_recurse [Glib 2.32]
g_source_set_funcs [Glib 2.32]g_source_set_priority [Glib 2.32]
g_source_unref [Glib 2.32]g_timeout_add [Glib 2.32]
g_timeout_add_full [Glib 2.32]g_timeout_source_new [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib - The Main Event Loop specified in Table 17-61, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-61. libglib-2.0 - Glib - The Main Event Loop Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_source_get_current_time [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.44. Glib Thread Pools Interfaces for Glib Thread Pools

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Thread Pools specified in Table 17-62, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-62. libglib-2.0 - Glib Thread Pools Function Interfaces

g_thread_pool_free [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_get_max_idle_time [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_get_max_threads [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_get_max_unused_threads [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_get_num_threads [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_get_num_unused_threads [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_new [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_push [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_set_max_idle_time [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_set_max_threads [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_set_max_unused_threads [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_set_sort_function [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_pool_stop_unused_threads [Glib 2.32]g_thread_pool_unprocessed [Glib 2.32]

17.2.45. Glib Threads Interfaces for Glib Threads

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Threads specified in Table 17-63, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-63. libglib-2.0 - Glib Threads Function Interfaces

g_static_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_static_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_static_private_free [Glib 2.32]g_static_private_get [Glib 2.32]
g_static_private_init [Glib 2.32]g_static_private_set [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_lock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_lock_full [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_unlock_full [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_free [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rw_lock_init [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_reader_lock [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rw_lock_reader_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_reader_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rw_lock_writer_lock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_writer_trylock [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rw_lock_writer_unlock [Glib 2.32]g_thread_create_full [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_error_quark [Glib 2.32]g_thread_exit [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_foreach [Glib 2.32]g_thread_join [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_self [Glib 2.32]g_thread_set_priority [Glib 2.32]

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Threads specified in Table 17-64, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-64. libglib-2.0 - Glib Threads Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_static_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_static_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_free [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_init [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_lock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_lock_full [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_trylock [Glib 2.32]g_static_rec_mutex_unlock [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rec_mutex_unlock_full [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_free [Glib 2.32]
g_static_rw_lock_init [Glib 2.32]g_static_rw_lock_reader_lock [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_create_full [Glib 2.32]g_thread_foreach [Glib 2.32]
g_thread_set_priority [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.46. Glib Timers Interfaces for Glib Timers

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Timers specified in Table 17-65, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-65. libglib-2.0 - Glib Timers Function Interfaces

g_timer_continue [Glib 2.32]g_timer_destroy [Glib 2.32]
g_timer_elapsed [Glib 2.32]g_timer_new [Glib 2.32]
g_timer_reset [Glib 2.32]g_timer_start [Glib 2.32]
g_timer_stop [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.47. Glib Trash Stacks Interfaces for Glib Trash Stacks

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Trash Stacks specified in Table 17-66, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-66. libglib-2.0 - Glib Trash Stacks Function Interfaces

g_trash_stack_height [Glib 2.32]g_trash_stack_peek [Glib 2.32]
g_trash_stack_pop [Glib 2.32]g_trash_stack_push [Glib 2.32]

17.2.48. Glib Unicode Manipulation Interfaces for Glib Unicode Manipulation

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Unicode Manipulation specified in Table 17-67, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-67. libglib-2.0 - Glib Unicode Manipulation Function Interfaces

g_mkdir_with_parents [Glib 2.32]g_ucs4_to_utf16 [Glib 2.32]
g_ucs4_to_utf8 [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_break_type [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_digit_value [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_get_mirror_char [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_isalnum [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isalpha [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_iscntrl [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isdefined [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_isdigit [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isgraph [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_islower [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isprint [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_ispunct [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isspace [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_istitle [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_isupper [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_iswide [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_iswide_cjk [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_isxdigit [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_to_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_tolower [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_totitle [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_toupper [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_type [Glib 2.32]
g_unichar_validate [Glib 2.32]g_unichar_xdigit_value [Glib 2.32]
g_unicode_canonical_decomposition [Glib 2.32]g_unicode_canonical_ordering [Glib 2.32]
g_utf16_to_ucs4 [Glib 2.32]g_utf16_to_utf8 [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_casefold [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_collate [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_collate_key [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_collate_key_for_filename [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_find_next_char [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_find_prev_char [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_get_char [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_get_char_validated [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_normalize [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_offset_to_pointer [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_pointer_to_offset [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_prev_char [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_strchr [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_strdown [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_strlen [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_strncpy [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_strrchr [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_strreverse [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_strup [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_to_ucs4 [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast [Glib 2.32]g_utf8_to_utf16 [Glib 2.32]
g_utf8_validate [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic deprecated functions for Glib Unicode Manipulation specified in Table 17-68, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Note: These interfaces are deprecated, and applications should avoid using them. These interfaces may be withdrawn in future releases of this specification.

Table 17-68. libglib-2.0 - Glib Unicode Manipulation Deprecated Function Interfaces

g_unicode_canonical_decomposition [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.49. Glib Version Information Interfaces for Glib Version Information

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Version Information specified in Table 17-69, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-69. libglib-2.0 - Glib Version Information Function Interfaces

glib_check_version [Glib 2.32] 

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic data interfaces for Glib Version Information specified in Table 17-70, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-70. libglib-2.0 - Glib Version Information Data Interfaces

glib_binary_age [Glib 2.32]glib_interface_age [Glib 2.32]
glib_major_version [Glib 2.32]glib_mem_profiler_table [Glib 2.32]
glib_micro_version [Glib 2.32]glib_minor_version [Glib 2.32]

17.2.50. Glib Bookmark File Parser Interfaces for Glib Bookmark File Parser

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Bookmark File Parser specified in Table 17-71, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-71. libglib-2.0 - Glib Bookmark File Parser Function Interfaces

g_bookmark_file_add_application [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_add_group [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_error_quark [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_free [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_added [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_app_info [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_applications [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_description [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_groups [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_icon [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_is_private [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_mime_type [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_modified [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_size [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_title [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_get_uris [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_get_visited [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_has_application [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_has_group [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_has_item [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_load_from_data [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_load_from_data_dirs [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_load_from_file [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_move_item [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_new [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_remove_application [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_remove_group [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_remove_item [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_set_added [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_set_app_info [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_set_description [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_set_groups [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_set_icon [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_set_is_private [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_set_mime_type [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_set_modified [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_set_title [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_set_visited [Glib 2.32]
g_bookmark_file_to_data [Glib 2.32]g_bookmark_file_to_file [Glib 2.32]

17.2.51. Glib Memory Slices Interfaces for Glib Memory Slices

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Memory Slices specified in Table 17-72, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-72. libglib-2.0 - Glib Memory Slices Function Interfaces

g_slice_alloc [Glib 2.32]g_slice_alloc0 [Glib 2.32]
g_slice_copy [Glib 2.32]g_slice_free1 [Glib 2.32]
g_slice_free_chain_with_offset [Glib 2.32] 

17.2.52. Glib Base64 Encoding Interfaces for Glib Base64 Encoding

An LSB conforming implementation shall provide the generic functions for Glib Base64 Encoding specified in Table 17-73, with the full mandatory functionality as described in the referenced underlying specification.

Table 17-73. libglib-2.0 - Glib Base64 Encoding Function Interfaces

g_base64_decode [Glib 2.32]g_base64_decode_inplace [Glib 2.32]
g_base64_decode_step [Glib 2.32]g_base64_encode [Glib 2.32]
g_base64_encode_close [Glib 2.32]g_base64_encode_step [Glib 2.32]